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State Final Exam

The state final exam represents the formal end of the given degree of study. It consists of the defense of the final thesis and an oral examination.

Detailed information is provided by the Directive No. A/S/961/6/2021 Qualification Theses and Execution of State Final Examinations in Bachelor and Master Study Programmes (in the documents below).

For more advice and tips from a student perspective, see the Bachelor's Guide.


Bachelor State Final Exam

What must be fulfilled before the State Final Exam (SFE)?

In order to take the SFE exam, you must fulfil all study obligations:

  • Submit a bachelor's thesis and receive a course-credit for it.
  • Complete the study plan and at the same time obtain min. 180 credits for the entire bachelor's studies, including 4 credits / 2 credits (SoB) for physical education.
  • Apply in SIS for a check of study obligations before the final state exam.
When is the SFE held?

Bachelor's exams usually take place in two periods, in June and August (see Studying – Organization of the Academic Year). The particular date of the FSE of your study program is determined by the secretary of your department or the dean's office within the period of the state examination. 

You choose the period (June/August) in which you want to take the exam – based on your fulfilment of the prescribed obligations and when you plan to submit your bachelor's thesis.

How to apply for SFE?

Each department/study programme has a different application deadline and each faculty has a different application method. Therefore, pay attention to your school e-mail, regularly check the department's bulletin board, etc., so that you do not miss any information.

You will receive an official invitation to the State final exams together with the Thesis Report about a week before the chosen date of the SFE.


Information by faculties/departments:

  • FCHT – Registration takes place in SIS (Examination Dates) during May/June, for both terms. It is usually done by the study office. If the student does not fulfil the prescribed obligations on time, he/she is automatically withdrawn from the first term.  
  • FTOP – Selection of the period (June/August) takes place at the end of April on the basis of an e-mail sent from the study office, a specific date is subsequently assigned automatically. If the student does not fulfil the prescribed obligations on time, he/she can ask the study office to change from June to August.
  • FPBT – Registration for the first term (June) takes place by the end of May. It is possible to withdraw from the first term if the student does not fulfil the prescribed obligations on time. It should be done by the deadline for submission of the final thesis. Students have to contact the study office to agree on the date.
  • FCHI – The dates of the SFE are introduced to the students in the course "Seminary for the bachelor's thesis". In SIS, the student chooses the SFE topics and registers for either the first or second term of the FSE. If the student does not fulfil the prescribed study obligations on time, he/she can register for the second term.
  • SoB – Registration takes place according to the instructions of the study officer, via the study department.
Where to find the topics of the State Final Exam?

Bachelor’s SFE consist of 3 areas which are listed on the faculty’s webpage

How is the exam conducted?

First, you will be invited to present your bachelor's thesis in the form of a presentation. After reading your supervisor's evaluation, an open discussion follows, where the members of the committee ask questions about the bachelor's thesis.

After the discussion about the thesis, the examination of the individual topics starts. Each member of the committee examines one topic and the others can ask additional questions.

Each topic is then separately assessed with a grade, just like the thesis. The final grade from the SFE is the average of these partial grades. You will know the results on the same day (depending on the committee: either immediately after the examination, or after the morning/afternoon block, or at the end of the day).

The entire SFE usually lasts one hour.

What if I do not pass?

If you fail any part of the SFE, you must repeat the exam. You repeat just the area that you failed. If you failed the thesis defence, you can repeat just the defence (not the exam as a whole). If you fail the SFE, your studies might be interrupted (see Study and examination rules).

My state exams are in August

The August term of the SFE is intended for students who did not manage to fulfil the prescribed obligations and hand in the final thesis on time, or did not pass some parts of the SFE in the June term. It is necessary to inform the dean's office/study department on time about the interest in the August term, or to withdraw from the first June term.

If you take the SFE in August, it is possible to submit the diploma/proof of completion of the bachelor's degree for the admission procedure for the master's degree after completion of the SFE.


Master Final State Exam

What must be fulfilled before the State Final Exam (SFE)?

In order to take the SFE exam, you must fulfil all study obligations:

  • Submit a diploma thesis and receive course-credit for it.
  • Complete the study plan, and at the same time obtain min. 120 credits for the entire master's studies.
  • To fulfil the mandatory internship (you can find out in your study plan if it is mandatory in your study programme).
  • Apply in SIS for a check of study obligations before the SFE.
When is the SFE held?

Master's state exams usually take place in June. The dates are governed by the current decree of the Organization of the academic year (see Studying – Organization of the Academic year). The particular date of the SFE of your study program is determined by the secretary of your department or the study office within the period of the state examination. 

In the event of a sudden situation that would prevent the completion of the SFE in the June term, a postponement can be arranged. The alternative date is usually in August, but this date is not mandatory and the situation is always solved individually. Check with your study officer, it is important to deal with the problems and search for a solution on time.

How to apply for SFE?

You are automatically registered for the Master's SFE after submission of the diploma thesis. You can find out the date of the exam in SIS, or from the official invitation sent to you by e-mail.

If you have any questions or problems with the assigned term, contact the department where you are preparing your thesis.

Where to find the topics of the Master State Final Exam?

Master’s SFE consist of 4 areas which are listed on the faculty’s webpage

How is the exam conducted?

First, you will be invited to present your master's thesis. After reading your supervisor's and opponent's evaluations and ratings, their questions will follow. You will receive the questions in advance together with the evaluation and you are obliged to prepare written answers. You will hand the answers to the committee before the start of the SFE. The questions will be read, you will answer them in your own words and a free discussion about the diploma thesis will follow.

After the discussion about the thesis, the examination of the individual topics starts. Each member of the committee examines one topic and the others can ask additional questions.

Each topic is then separately assessed with a grade, just like the thesis itself. The final grade from the SFE is the average of these partial grades. You will know the results on the same day (depending on the committee, either immediately after the examination, after the morning/afternoon block, or at the end of the day).

The entire SFE usually lasts one hour and a half.

What if I do not pass?

If you fail any part of the SFE, you must repeat the exam. Just the area that you failed is repeated, or the thesis defence can be repeated (not the exam as a whole). If you fail the SFE, your studies might be interrupted (see Study and examination rules).

Looking for other information specific to your faculty/department?

Updated: 26.8.2024 12:36, Author: Department of International Relations


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