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Start of Study: Study Information

The information provided below applies to students who have been already officially enrolled in the studies at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague.


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Structure of Every-day Studies 2024/2025

Structure of the Academic Year 2024/2025:

Winter semester

  • 16. 9. 2024 – 20. 12. 2024 – Instruction period
  • 21. 12. 2024 – 1. 1. 2025 – Christmas holidays
  • 2. 1. 2025 – 7. 2. 2025 – Examination period

The winter semester ends with the fulfilment of study obligations as of February 9, 2025.
Note that you must obtain at least 15 credits in order to be allowed to continue your studies in the summer semester. Not obtaining the minimum of 15 credits will result in the termination of your studies. 

Summer semester 

  • 10. 2. 2025 – 16. 5. 2025 – Instruction period
  • 19. 5. 2025 – 27. 6. 2025 – Examination period
  • 28. 6. 2025 – 24. 8. 2025 – Summer holidays
  • 25. 8. 2025 – 29. 8. 2025 – Examination period 

Note: On Wednesday, May 7, 2025, the classes are held according to Thursday's schedule.


Instruction Hours

Classes take place between 8:00–19:50 (8:00 AM – 7:50 PM). There may be long breaks between your classes, however not that long that it would be worth going to the dormitories and back. You can spend the breaks in break/relaxation rooms called Respirium in building B.



General Study Principles

The fundamental prerequisite for successful completion of the study is regular and active participation in lectures and practical classes

The Dean may decide on special rules for participation in the practical classes and the Physical Education subject in case of students with an extraordinary study plan (hereinafter referred to as "ESP").


Study obligations

Read here about how it works with exams, credits, and grading at UCT

  • Fulfilment of study obligations is bound to the continuity of study obligations. The requirements for continuity conditions are determined by the study program guarantor and the course guarantor and can be found in the Study Information System.


  • Subjects are divided into Compulsory, Compulsory-elective, and Elective subjects.
  • A student must successfully pass all compulsory subjects. A student has to choose a minimum of compulsory-elective subjects from the prescribed amount of compulsory-elective subjects. A student may take elective subjects per their interest.  
  • A student can retake the same subject a maximum of three times. In the case of a re-registered subject, the student has the same conditions for fulfilling it as during the previous registration.
  • The semester ends with fulfilling all subjects prescribed by the study plan and obtaining the number of credits corresponding to at least thirty times the number of already completed semesters no later than the end of the examination period of the given semester.


  • Students register/unregister for the exams via the Study Information System (SIS).
  • If a student has failed to unregister from the examination for serious reasons, they may excuse their absence in advance (!) directly to the examiner.
  • Unexcused absence or unrecognized excuse for absence from the exam is assessed by the classification "F".
  • A student has the right to two re-sits should they fail the first term of the exam. However, they must respect the terms announced by the department conducting the subject.
  • The right to re-sit an exam expires if the student has not used the opportunity to take the exam within the regular examination period. 


  • To register for the next semester of the study program, the student must obtain at least 15 credits from compulsory and compulsory-elective subjects in the previous semester.
  • To enroll in the next year of the study program, a student may lack a maximum of 15 credits out of the number of credits corresponding to thirty times the number of semesters already completed.


  • Test classification:
  1. "A" (1,0 / excellent),
  2. "B" (1,5 / very good),
  3. "C" (2,0 / good),
  4. "D" (2,5 / satisfactory),
  5. "E" (3,0 / sufficient),
  6. "F" (4,0 / insufficient).
  • The examination classification is published in the SIS by the examining teacher.



University Structure


Do you need to deal with any study matters? Contact your Study office

Study Offices

building floor room

Faculty of Chemical Technology

Vice-Dean – Ing. Ondřej Kundrát, Ph.D.

Study matters – Klára Voltrová

B 1. floor B2413

Faculty of Environmental Technology

Vice-Dean – Ing. Jan Bindzar, Ph.D. Ing. 

Study matters – Šárka Dintarová

B 1. floor B2316

Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology

Vice-Dean – doc. Ing. Petra Lipovová, Ph.D.

Bachelor's Study matters – Dana Brzoňová

Master's Study matter – Ing. Veronika Gřundělová

B 1. floor B2305

Faculty of Chemical Engineering

Vice-Dean - doc. Ing. Karel Řehák, CSc.

Study matters – Mgr. Anna Vaněčková

B 1. floor B2402

School of Business

Study matters – Ing. Marie Chajdova

Jankovcova 3. floor Study Office



Use School App EMIL (Android | Apple) to find offices, classrooms, and laboratories

EMIL is UCT Prague university app specially developed for students. It has several features which will be helpful for you throughout the whole course of your studies. A map of the university buildings is included in EMIL and will help you navigate yourself in the school. 
Please be aware that some classrooms are accessible only through certain hallways and it may take you time to find the classroom. 



Computer Network – How to Change a Password

UCT Prague Computer Network Login

As a student of the UCT Prague, you get an account in the computer network of the UCT Prague, which will allow you to:

  • log in to the UCT computer network (computer study rooms, network drives ...)
  • use UCT Wi-Fi "vscht"
  • use the university e-mail address
  • get MS Office 365 and other licenses for free
  • log in to the Study Information System (SIS)

Login Details: Password Change

You will get the username (login), and the initial password on Enrollment Day from the admission officer. 

You have to change the initial password before using it. On Enrollment Day, you will be guided on how to do that. Alternatively, follow the instructions below:

  • Enter the school e-mail via the web interface at 
  • Fill in your username and initial password

A new page will open, where you can set your new password:

  • Username: Fill in your username again
  • Current password: Fill in the initial password again
  • New password: Fill in a new password following the below-set rules 
  • Confirmation of the new password: Repete the new password

How to Choose a Password

When choosing a new password, you must comply with the following requirements:

  • cannot be the same as your previous passwords
  • must not contain a username
  • must contain at least 12 characters from at least three of the following groups:
  • uppercase letters of the English alphabet (A-Z)
  • lowercase letters of the English alphabet (a-z)
  • numbers (0-9)
  • special characters like:! @ # $. , + - space, etc.
  • the password must not contain accents or other characters of your national alphabet

The password has a limited validity – after a certain period, the UCT Prague systems will require a password change again. 


School Email Address

The school email can be accessed at

Your school email, with the address in the form, will work immediately.

We recommend checking this e-mail regularly. Official electronic communication between a student and the UCT concerning study matters occurs only through the assigned school email address.

You can set up the forwarding of information to your personal e-mail.


Study Information System (SIS)

Study Information System is a platform that UCT Prague uses to provide students with information regarding matters connected to their studies. You access SIS at the address: or through the university app EMIL (download here Android | Apple).

What You Can Find in SIS

  • Schedule 
  • Syllabuses of subjects 
  • Enrollment to Exams 
  • Grades 
  • Personal Details 
  • Tuition Fee Payment Details 

The login and password are the same as in the school email. (You will not be able to log in with the initial password!)

Schedule and Elective Subjects

First-year students are already registered for compulsory subjects in the winter semester. On Enrollment Day, students of FCHT and FCHI will visit their Study office to choose compulsory-elective subjects. 

Bachelor degree students also have to register for Physical Education or Sport Course. Find more information about the physical education and sports courses at the website of the Department of Physical Education and Sport.

Students shall contact their respective Study office in order to learn the rules for enrollment into the summer semester as the rules may differ from faculty to faculty.



Script Shop and Rental of Script

is located on the ground floor of the National Technical Library opposite Building A.


Updated: 26.8.2024 12:36, Author: Department of International Relations

Need Assistance?

Do you need someone Czech-speaking to accompany you to the Foreign Police or to the Ministry of Interior? 

Contact the non-profit organization Integrační Centrum, they are here to help you!  


Counselling Services

The Counselling and Career Center offers the services of a psychologist and legal and career counsellors. There are also tutors to give you advice on your everyday problems and issues related to your studies.

Our policy is to deal with every query and help you as much as possible to find the right solution – if we don't have an expert for your query, then we are committed to finding one.


A/V/961/11/2024 (EN)Organization of the Academic Year 2024/202509.09.202407.09.2024
Study and Examination Rules of the UCT15.06.2022
Grading System at UCT Prague
Freshman guide to UCT Prague


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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