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Internal Grant Agency (IGA)

Internal grants at the UCT Prague


category A: student scientific project (hereinafter referred to as "scientific project" or VIGA - from Czech term "vědecký projekt")

category B: student social project (hereinafter referred to as "social project" or SIGA  from Czech term "společenský projekt")

category C: pedagogical project of the students and academics (hereinafter referred to as "pedagogical project" or PIGA from Czech term "pedagogický projekt").

Updated: 22.8.2022 01:52, Author: Jan Kříž


Scientific project (VIGA)
Mgr. Veronika Popová 
Research and Technology Transfer Office

Social project (SIGA) 
Ing. Petra Karnetová, Ph.D. 
Department of Communication

 pedagogical project (PIGA)
Jana Fialová
Department of Education


A/V/961/24/2024 (EN)Announcement of internal grant competition at UCT Prague for the year 2025/202621.11.202431.03.2026
A/V/961/22/2023 (EN)Announcement of internal grant competition at UCT Prague for the year 2024/202520.11.202331.03.2025
A/N/961/6/2024 (EN)Principles of student grant competition to support projects of specific university research at UCT Prague07.11.2024
A/N/961/7/2024 (EN)Principles of grant competition to support pedagogical projects of students and academics at UCT Prague07.11.2024
A/N/961/8/2024 (EN)Principles of student grant competition to support cultural, social, presentational, educational and sport activities of students at UCT Prague07.11.2024
A/S/961/2/2020 (EN)Principles of Internal Grant Competition of UCT Prague - IGRA (including Amendment No. 1)01.02.2021
A/N/961/9/2024 (EN)Grant Regulations of the UCT Prague07.11.2024


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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