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Regulations for disbursing funds

The grantee is obliged to manage the financial resources economically and in accordance with generally applicable binding legal regulations.

General rules:

  • The drawdown of financial resources is based on a detailed itemized budget of the project, according to the approved proposal for the community project.
    • The grantee is obliged to verify that the price for a given service/item is the most advantageous (it meets all requirements and is at the same time the lowest).
    • In the case of purchasing drugstore goods or office supplies, first check if the required items are not in stock at the UCT (in the MIS: Internal orders - Catalog - HERE after logging in). If so, make a list of them (item number, quantity) and send it in time to (do not forget to specify your project). Only items that are not in stock can be purchased externally. 
  • Financial resources are allocated only for one calendar year and cannot be transferred to the following year. All accounting documents (originals) must be submitted to the Counseling and Career Centre by December 15th of the given year.

    You can find the current funding in your project in the MIS system (here on the main page, logging in is necessary). The link to your project funding disbursement is also available in the app with the submitted application, and an automatic update is sent to the main researcher once a month via email. 


  • Please address all matters in a timely manner. Processing requests takes some time due to the internal processes of individual departments (paying an invoice or issuing an advance payment may take several days).
  • If you are unsure about any payment or contract, please consult with us.
  • When communicating, please always include the name of your project and SIGA – remember that you are not the only one with a project who is dealing with its finances :)

Payment Methods

  • Payments can be made in cash or electronically (by card, bank transfer). Every payment must be supported by a tax document – original (not scan or copy). Documents other than tax documents will not be accepted.

Tax document = receipt, invoice – must always include:

•         Seller's information (company name, address, company ID)

•         Breakdown of items (item name and price)

•         VAT calculation

•         Total amount

•         Payment options (cash, card, bank transfer for invoices)

      The invoice must also include:

•         the buyer's information, i.e., UCT Prague (without your name!    Beware of online                      stores that automatically fill in this information based on previous orders, etc.).

UCT Prague

Technická 5

166 28 Praha 6

Identification No.: 60461373

VAT: CZ60461373

•         Seller's account number

•         Date of the transaction, and any other details as agreed

        Reimbursement is not available for alcoholic beverages or fuels.

       For amounts exceeding CZK 20,000 (excluding VAT), a purchase order must be issued in                      advance. Please contact the CCC in advance for more information.

  • Cash Payments: These will be reimbursed based on an expense report, which must be submitted without undue delay (no later than the 8th day of the following month). An advance payment can be requested for cash expenses.

  • Invoice Payments: Invoices can be paid separately and reimbursed later. Alternatively, invoices can be paid directly to UCT. In this case, please send the invoice to CCC as soon as possible (ideally immediately upon receipt). 
    • Please note:

•         Advance payments for e-shop invoices are not possible, however, many shops issue invoices for companies with a payment term (please inquire with CCC in advance).

•          UCT does not allow the payment of deposits. If a supplier requires a deposit, students/event organizers must pay it themselves. We recommend obtaining a proper receipt for the payment and return of the deposit.

•          For larger electronics stores, the school has an account that can be used to make purchases at a discount.

  • Scholarship Payments: Students of UCT Prague who are duly enrolled and assisting with an event may be compensated in the form of a scholarship. Scholarships are paid retrospectively, after the event, by transfer to the student's account. The event organizer should prepare a list of students (name, surname, faculty, degree level, amount) for payment.

  • Agreements on Work Performance: Agreements on work performance for both members of the project team and external parties must be arranged at least 14 days prior to the event. Please contact CCC in advance.

  • Agreements on Work Performance, Contracts for Work, Contracts, Leases, and Binding Orders must be signed by the Bursar of UCT Prague. Please consult and arrange these in advance.

Financial Statement:

  • Financial resources are allocated only for one calendar year and cannot be carried over to the following year. All original accounting documents must be submitted to the Career and Counseling Center no later than December 15th of the given year; we recommend you to submit them countinuously.
  • To submit the statement, please prepare all necessary documents. Ideally, create a summary table of documents with amounts and a total sum, according to the project budget. If some expenses have already been paid, please mark them. 
  • Please schedule an appointment to submit the financial statement at the Career and Counseling Centre (the Centre needs to prepare for the statement as well).

Project administration is provided by the Counseling and Career Center (CCC):

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  220 44 2071

Updated: 17.3.2025 09:40, Author: Counselling and Career Centre


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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