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UCT Prague in numbers

On this page you can find statistsical data about the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague and its standing in international rankings:


The university in numbers


If not otherwise stated, the data are taken from the latest published university’s annual report. The complete annual reports are published in the official board.

  • Faculties: 4
  • Faculty departments: 30
  • All-university department: 4
  • Higher education institute: 1
  • Items in university library: 89 536


  • Students – total: 4 370
  • Students – bachelors: 2 366 / 54,1%
  • Students – masters: 1 200 / 27,5%
  • Students – doctoral: 804 / 18,4%
  • Students – women: 2476 / 56,7%
  • Students – foreign nationality: 1 116 / 25,5%
  • Doctoral student ratio to total students: first in the Czech Republic
  • Study programmes – total: 200
  • Study programmes – bachelor: 30
  • Study programmes – master: 38
  • Study programmes – doctoral: 132
  • Study programmes – joint/double-degree: 27
  • Graduates: 1 208
  • Graduates – bachelor: 492
  • Graduates – master: 596
  • Graduates – doctoral: 120
  • Number of lecturers from industry involved in teaching: 215
  • Partners from industry from masters and doctoral dissertations: 80


  • Total staff, of which are female (full-time equivalent – FTE): 1 292,29 / 641,51
  • Academics (FTE): 683,09 / 275,13
  • Researchers (FTE): 190,38 / 98,06
  • Administrative staff (FTE): 418,81 / 268,29
  • Foreign academic and research staff (FTE): 104,74
  • Lead positions, of which are female (head count): 331 / 69


  • No. of students in outgoing exchange programmes: 138

Research and development

  • Active international projects: 43
  • Number of patents: 66


  • Lifelong learning participants: 2 284
  • Dormitory bed capacity: 1651
  • No. of (co-)organised conferences with international participation: 18


University rankings

UCT Prague is regularly ranked in various rankings assessing different aspects of the university's profile, such as scientific performance, teaching performance or third role.

Quacquarelli Symmonds (QS)

UCT Prague QS profile

Quacquarelli Symmonds (QS) worked with THE to publish a joint ranking from 2004 to 2009. Since 2009, however, THE has separated and created its own methodology. The main criticism of QS rankings is that it places a high weight on reputation (50%), which can fluctuate over the long term.

UCT Prague was ranked 355th in the world for the first time in 2019 (2020 edition), 2nd among Czech universities. Since then, it has held steadily among the top 400 universities in this ranking and as the 2nd among Czech universities. In the last edition, a new methodology was introduced and UCT Prague ranked 556th in 2023 (2024 edition). The university is ranked highest in academic to student ratio, where it is regularly top ranked in the Czech Republic and among the world’s top universities (in the 2024 edition, the school was ranked 35th in the world).

Times Higher Education (THE)

UCT Prague THE profile

Times Higher Education (THE) collaborated with QS from 2004 to 2009 to publish a joint ranking. Since 2009, however, THE has separated and created its own methodology. The main criticism of THE rankings is the over-emphasis on science and Anglo-Saxon universities, as well as the heavy emphasis on reputation (33% versus 50% for QS).

UCT Prague was ranked 601-800th in the world for the first time in 2015 (2016 edition). The university is ranked highest in Teaching, where it regularly ranks 2nd among Czech universities.


UCT Prague U-Multirank profile

U-Multirank is not a traditional ranking, it does not provide a list of the best universities with their ranking and therefore does not claim which university is the best in a given year.

U-Multirank is produced by a consortium involving Dutch and German universities and ranks universities according to dozens of criteria divided into five areas. UCT Prague achieved the highest ranking in 11 criteria in 2022, the most of any university in the Czech Republic. Among the top-ranked criteria were research criteria (professional publications, cooperation with industry and the private sector) or, for example, student mobility.

U-Multirank covers almost 1,900 universities from 97 countries. On the ranking website one can compare universities according to criteria relevant to a particular applicant or search for universities with a similar profile. However, for some of them not all data is available and comparisons in some criteria are not possible.

Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), the so-called Shanghai Ranking, was the first international ranking with diverse indicators, first published in 2003. Unlike other rankings, it collects data only from publicly available sources. The main criticism of this ranking is that it does not account for the size of the institution, so larger universities have an increased chance of scoring better than smaller universities.

Methodology in detail

The ranking itself consists of six criteria, which are as follows:

1. Alumni (10% weighting) - alumni awards 

This indicator measures the number of graduates of the university who have won a Nobel Prize or a Fields Medal. Recent winners are given more weight, so that whereas a prize won in 2011 or later is worth its full value, a prize won between 1921 and 1930 is worth only 10%. Alumni are taken here to be people who have received a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree from the university. Absolute values are taken here for evaluation without reference to the specifics, size or focus of the institution.

2. Award (20%) - employee awards

The number of employees of the university who have won a Nobel Prize in physics, chemistry, medicine or economics and/or the Fields Medal in mathematics is assessed here. The values are taken according to the time elapsed since the award, as in the previous point. People who were employed at the university at the time of the award are taken as employees. The value obtained is reduced if the award recipient is employed/associated with more than one university and if more than one person has won the award. Again, absolute values are taken here, see above.

3. HiCi (20%) - highly cited scientists

This takes the number of highly cited scientists as listed by Clarivate Analytics. Only the “parent” institution is considered and is the only one which is awarded points in this indicator.

4. N&S (20%) - publications in Nature and Science

This item assesses the number of publications in Nature and Science over the previous five years (e.g., the 2022 assessment counts publications from 2017-2021). Unlike many other rankings, the source for this indicator is the Web of Science. In the case of multiple authors, more emphasis is placed on the lead author, with scores gradually decreasing with other members of the author collective. As with previous scores, absolute values are taken.

5. PUB (20%) - publications

In contrast to the previous point, the number of articles, i.e. of the type "article", in the Science Citation Index-Expanded and Social Science Citation Index, i.e. the most cited articles according to these two indexes, is counted here. Articles from the social sciences, i.e. of the latter index, receive twice the weight of the former. Absolute values are also taken here.

6. PCP (10%) - performance per person

The sum of the scores of the above indicators related to the number of FTE academic staff. According to the website, ARWU has academic FTE data from the Czech Statistical Office. It is the only indicator that does not calculate absolute values and considers the size of the institution and therefore the efficiency per employee.

Updated: 7.1.2025 16:47, Author: Jan Machálek


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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