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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships

We actively support proposals and welcome postdoctoral researchers under the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA PF), previously known as Individual Fellowships (MSCA IF). The grants are provided by the European Commission in the framework of the research programme Horizon Europe for 2021-2027.

  • the 2024 call is NOW OPEN!
  • deadline for applications: 11 September 2024



Why MSCA PF at UCT Prague?

It is an outstanding opportunity for you to:

  • advance your career in research, under the guidance of an internationally recognised UCT-based supervisor (check the list of UCT Prague departments and research groups to find the right match for you and do not hesitate to contact us)
  • get qualified support with the preparation and implementation of your project, underpinned by our rich experience with EU-funded projects, including MSCA
  • substantially increase your chances to implement the MSCA proposal thanks to national funding schemes for proposals with high evaluation scores (> 70 %)

Thanks to additional sources of funding available in the Czech Republic, 64of submitted UCT Prague proposals received funding in 2022 and 2023.

Success rates


MSCA (Horizon) 

National funding (OP)

min. score for funding

93 %

70 %

% of proposals

15 %

80 %

What is it about?

The MSCA PF is an individual research project, in any area of research, prepared by the postdoctoral researcher in cooperation with the supervisor based at the host institution.

The aim is to support creativity, innovativeness and new skills through advanced training and  international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility.

Watch video about MSCA PF.

Applicants wishing to apply with UCT Prague as the host institution prepare a European PF, lasting 12-24 months.

Two types of fellowships

European PF

in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country


postdocs of any nationality


12 – 24 months

Global PF

from EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country to other (third) countries


only EU nationals or long-term residents


24 – 36 months followed by 12-month return phase in Europe


Key features

  • individual research projet
  • free choice of research topic
  • creativity and innovativeness
  • training through research, incl. transferable skills
  • guidance of experienced supervisor and a two-way exchange of knowledge
  • international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility
  • focus on career perspectives, in or outside academia
  • optional secondment in another institution and/or a non-academic placement
  • employment contract with the host institution
  • fixed budget per month (unit cost) covering salary (living, mobility and family allowance), research, training and networking cost and management cost for the host institution

Who can apply?

Researchers of any nationality meeting the below eligibility conditions may apply for the fellowship at UCT Prague:

PhD degree

obtained by 11 September 2024 (PhD thesis successfully defended)

Max. 8 years from PhD award

PhD degree received after 11 September 2016

The period may be extended by periods of maternity or paternity leave, compulsory  national service, long-term sick leave or work outside research, details in Guidelines and tool.

Mobility rule

cannot have resided in the Czech Republic for more than 12 months since 11 September 2021 (= in the 36 month immediately prior to the call deadline)

Resubmisson rule

proposals involving the same host organisation and individual

researcher submitted for the MSCA PF 2023 call and having received a score of less than 70% must not be resubmitted in 2024

For detailed definition of the eligibility criteria, please see Work Programme (point 2.3) and Guide for Applicants (point 2).

  • Documents proving the eligibility of candidates applying for incoming fellowship with UCT Prague must be provided by email to by 26 May 2024 (see Supporting documents below)

Supporting documents

Eligibility criterion

Supporting documents

PhD degree


PhD diploma (scan). Replaced by an official confirmation by the Faculty/University of the successful PhD thesis defence in case of a pending diploma award.

Maximum 8 years from PhD 

In case your (first) PhD degree was awarded before 11 September 2016, scans of evidence justifying the extension (translated in English), incl. exact dates (of e.g. maternity leave, compulsory national service, long-term sickness etc.). For details see

Guidelines on the calculation of 8-years research experience in Postdoctoral Fellowships under Horizon Europe

Postdoctoral Fellowships Self-assessment tool for the calculation of the 8-years research experience

Mobility rule

Please provide a list of exact dates of the periods + countries in which you have legally resided and/or had your main activity (work, studies, etc) during the last 5 years up until 11 September 2024. A detailed CV is enough. Short stays (as defined in the Guide for Applicants) shall not be included.

 Family allowance

Scans of documents such as marriage or birth certificate, with translation in English if possible

Preparation timeline and UCT webinars

The deadline for applications is 11 September 2024.

For incoming fellowships, full support will be provided only to applicants complying with the below timetable.

Outgoing candidates need to follow instructions of their future host institution.




26 May

(at the latest)

Eligibility check




Provide supporting documents (by email) linked to all eligibility criteria

Approval of the Supervisor to host you

Provide CV, idealy in the template format

Online seminars for accepted UCT Prague candidates – 3 complementary sessions:


Register by email to; only accepted eligible candidates will be invited (supported documents and correct CV provided on time) 

29 May

10-12 am CET

Online seminar 1

  • key facts
  • organisation of the proposal preparation
  • project logic
  • CV

How to build a project proposal (research objectives, work packages, work plan)

Tips on developing your CV to gain the evaluator

5 June

10-12 am CET

Online seminar 2

  • award criteria
  • proposal template
  • Part B1: Excellence, Impact, Implementation

All you need to know to prepare a quality proposal with focus on Part B1: decoding template instructions, examples and tips

19 June

10-12 am CET

Online seminar 3

  • Part B2
  • Part A, ethics
  • Abstract & Acronym
  • Drafting tips
  • Q&A

All remaining parts of the project proposal explained; guidance on online Part A and submission technicalities

19 June

Part B 1.1, 1.2 + CV

First draft of research objectives and CV

24 - 25 June

How to write a competitive proposal

Workshop by the Technology Centre Prague

- training with actual successful proposal

Details and registration here

Abstract + CV to be sent by 16 June

1 August

Part B1 + B2 drafted

Full draft of Part B provided for check and review by the Supervisor/Project Centre, tips on improvement (first come – first served)

23 August

Part A completed

Project proposal created on the Funding Portal, Part A completed for check by the Project Centre

 9 September

Proposal submission

Submission via EU Portal (ahead for technical reasons; updates possible up until 11 September 17:00 CET)

11 September

17:00 CET




Timeline for successful projects

February 2025

Notification of call results to applicants

March – May 2025

Grant agreement preparation for successful projects

Summer / Autumn 2025

Projects selected for funding by MSCA PF start

May 2025

Projects not selected for MSCA PF funding, but reaching required evaluation score (70 % tbc) apply for national funding scheme (OP JAK)

end 2025 / early 2026

Projects funded by national scheme (OP JAK) start

Key documents

Useful links

Support to your application

The UCT Prague Project Centre will assit you with:

  • eligibility check
  • guidance on call rules and proposal drafting
  • proposal creation and submission via the Funding Portal
  • administrative check of the proposal (Part A)
  • proof-reading and feedback to draft proposal

 The sooner you contact us, the more we can do for you!


Project Centre

Ms Anna Konecká

e(00420) 220 444 403

Ms Karolína Friessová


e(00420) 220 443 210

PIC number


This is the unique "Participant Identification Code" of UCT Prague at the EU Funding and Tenders Portal, to be inserted in your project proposal.

Updated: 28.5.2024 17:22, Author: Anna Konecká


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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