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Termination/Suspension of Study

Termination of Studies

What can be the reasons for the termination of the studies?
  • Lack of credits.
  • Student’s own decision not to continue with study
  • Exceeded maximum duration of study

How can the studies be terminated?
  • The study is terminated by the university:
  • At the end of the academic year in which the student has not obtained enough credits. The first year, due to a lack of credits, the study can be terminated even after the first (winter) semester.
  • By the date on which the student reaches the maximum period of study
  • The study is terminated by the student:
  • By the date the student chooses.
  • In such a case, it is necessary to hand in the Notice of Terminating the Studies (see documents below) to the Study office.
At the end of the studies, it is necessary to hand the Exit clearance form (ECF) to the Study office (see documents below).


Suspension of the Studies

During the suspension of studies, the student loses the official student status. Therefore, he/she cannot continue to use student benefits (fare discount, etc.) and does not fulfil the purpose of his/her stay in the Czech Republic if having a visa/residence permit with the purpose "study".

What can be the reasons for the suspension of the studies?
  • In certain cases, studies can be suspended at the student's request. For example, in case of a long-term illness, difficult life situation, pregnancy/birth/parenthood, being a member of the Czech sports team, and similar.
  • In case of the suspension of the studies due to parenthood or serious illness, the maximum study period is extended by this suspension period. In other cases, the period of suspension is incorporated in the maximum period of study.

How to suspend the studies?
  • To suspend the studies, it is necessary to submit a Request for Suspension of the Studies (see the general request in the documents below) addressed to the Dean of your faculty, or in case of the students of the School of Business to the Vice-rector for pedagogy (through the study department) together with an Exit clearance form (ECF).
  • Subsequently, the student will receive the official Decision of suspension of his/her studies.
  • Before submitting the Request for Suspension of the Studies, it is always advisable to communicate with the study officer about the necessary requirements.

How to restart the studies?
  • The Request for Suspension of the Studies specifies for how long the study will be interrupted. Before the deadline, it is necessary to visit the study officer or to start communication with the Study office.


Thinking about suspending/terminating your studies?

Suspending or terminating your studies is a big step. For example, if you are hesitant about whether studying at UCT Prague or in your chosen study programme is the right choice, we recommend consulting your decision and questions with an expert. A free career counselling service is available for students, where you can discuss your strengths and weaknesses, interests and focus, your expected job prospects and other questions with a counsellor and direct your steps appropriately. Studying at UCT Prague opens up many career opportunities for you, it would be a pity to give up early.
If the reason for suspending/terminating your studies is a health or social problem or other serious difficulties, it is possible to apply for an extraordinary study plan (ESP). The extraordinary study plan regulates the schedule of fulfilling your study obligations (see Article 20 of the Study and Examination Rules of the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, available in the section Studying – Internal Regulations and Documents). Seek information with your study officer.
Updated: 4.9.2024 13:37, Author: Department of International Relations


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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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