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Study Materials

To Borrow

National Technical Library (NTK)

  • Printed and electronic resources needed for study, UCT Prague students can register free of charge.
  • Organizes courses in information literacy, correct citation, working with academic text, etc.
  • Provides other library services: rental of study rooms, research services, interlibrary loan service and many others.

ChemTK Platform

  • Electronic resources in the field of chemistry, technology and related natural sciences.
  • Joint platform of UCT Prague, ÚOCHB and NTK.
  • Log in to the system using your school login and password.


To Buy

  • Scripts and textbooks produced by the UCT Prague publishing house.
  • Printed and electronic learning materials.
  • You can find the store in the ground floor vestibule of the National Technical Library.
  • You can buy teaching materials directly in the store or via the e-shop.


Online Education Materials for Students

E-learning (Moodle)

  • Primary UCT Prague e-learning portal.
  • A place to share educational materials between teachers and students; exercises; searching through e.g. name of the subject.
  • You can log in to the E-learning through your school login and password.

Microsoft Teams

  • A place for online teaching and sharing of teaching materials, including a mobile app.
  • Allows videoconferences, online cooperation and live interaction
  • You can log in to the system through your school login and password.


Other Services for Students And Technical Support

Software for students

  • Programs and apps meant to support the students, e.g. ChemDraw, EndNote, MatLab and many others.
  • Software available in the classrooms is not available on personal computers.


  • The association of universities of the Czech Republic and the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • It operates and develops the national e-infrastructure for science, research and education
  • Offers for free: cloud storage (100 GB), quick sharing and file storage (up to 500 GB), arrangement of online meetings or computer and data sources for solving difficult computer tasks.

Shared drives

Computer center

Updated: 26.8.2024 12:35, Author: Department of International Relations


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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