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I Want to Develop Outside of My Field of Study

Competitions and awards

Taking part in competitions and challenges will give you new motivation and ideas to work on, valuable experience and last but not least, financial support for your possible projects.

The competitions and challenges are regularly updated on the website of the Counselling and Career Centre.

Sharing professional experiences – Mentoring

The mentoring programme offers you the opportunity to create an informal relationship with a more experienced practitioner and take a step further on your journey.

Mentoring is available for Bachelor, Master and PhD students and graduates.

Courses, lectures and workshops
  • Counselling and Career Centre – especially soft-skills oriented courses and workshops taking place in school directly, such as communication and presentation skills, financial literacy, leading people, but also working with stress, relaxation techniques etc. Please note that not all events may be available in English.
  • Cousera – online courses from prestigious universities around the world, a wide range of topics and fields
  • National Library of Technology – courses and workshops dedicated to writing academic texts, citing, searching and filtering information or presentation skills
  • Maker Institute  – technical skills in practice, work with 3D printer, projects with social impact using technology

Taking part in university clubs

Taking part in university clubs is an opportunity for personal development, gaining new skills and competencies, e.g. team communication, team leading, event organization, working with event finances, and event production...

What is right for me?

You don’t know what would interest you? What would be good to develop? Where your steps after school should lead? We offer free-of-charge career counselling to the students of UCT Prague, where you can discuss your strengths and weaknesses, interests and orientation, expected career direction and other questions and lead your next steps accordingly. The study at UCT opens many professional and other possibilities, it would be a shame not to utilize them fully!

Updated: 26.8.2024 12:35, Author: Department of International Relations


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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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