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I Need Help

Everybody might need help with something or to ask for advice. There are various departments that deal with various topics or there are services offered by UCT Prague that might help you.

I have questions about study matters
  • Refer to your Student Affairs Officer at the Study Office (see I am studying – University Structure), if you need:
    1. Confirmation of Study
    2. Extraordinary Study Plan (ESP)
    3. Carry out the final check to advance to the next semester
    4. Suspend or terminate the study
    5. Change the personal information, which is not possible to change in SIS (Personal Data page)
    6. Help with enrolling to subjects
    7. Deal with final thesis
    8. School of Business: change the students’ schedule
  • Contact the Department of Education if you need:
    1. Change your schedule during the official schedule registration; after the end of the schedule registration period, only the secretaries of the respective departments can change the schedules
    2. You have problems with SIS
  • Refer to the Department that runs your Study Programme if you need:
    1. Carry out a change in schedule after the end of the official schedule registration (outside of School of Business)
    2. Deal with the specialized practice
    3. Deal with the topic of the final thesis
  • contact the Tutors if you need:
    1. Help with SIS
    2. Get a better understanding of your rights and responsibilities as a student
    3. Get advice regarding the dormitories
    4. To get oriented at the university and its processes
    5. Take part in the out of school activities
I need Tutoring.

Look at the Turor Database that is run by the Tutors. Or you can contact the tutors directly.

I don't feel good

Contact our university's  Psychological Counselling Office if you don’t feel good mentally and you are experiencing difficult study or life period.

Take part in Support Groups if you want to talk about your problems in a closed group. 

The Foreign and Private Patient Department of the Motol Hospital offers medical care in urgent cases for foreigners.

I have Special Needs or medical disability

Contact the Office for Students witch Special Needs and they will arrange a meeting with you and discuss your study possibilities and possible adjustment of study conditions.

In certain cases (serious medical or social reasons) it is possible to apply for extraordinary study plan which adjusts the timeline of fulfilling the study requirements (see Article 20 in Study and Examination Rules of the UCT Prague available at: I am Studying – Internal Regulations and Documents)

I don't know what to do next – after school/Master and Post Graduation Programmes

You can use the Career Counselling  services or take part in the Mentoring Programme and look into your possibilities. 

We also recommend visiting the Master's Programme Fair and UCT Prague Open Day or Chem-iK Job Fair if you are looking for a job.

I am in a difficult personal/finantial situation

If your situation is getting more difficult and is preventing you from studying, contact your Student Affairs Officer (Study Office at your Faculty) and find out your possibilities to continue your study.

You can contact the Counselling and Career Centre  which offers e.g. services of a psychologist and the socio-legal counselling guidepost.

In certain cases (serious medical or social reasons) it is possible to apply for extraordinary study plan which adjusts the timeline of fulfilling the study requirements (see Article 20 in Study and Examination Rules of the UCT Prague available at: I am Studying – Internal Regulations and Documents)

Please look if you are eligible for scholarship.

I have experienced inappropriate behavior

The topic of social environment is taken very seriously at UCT Prague.

You can find all information how to report your experience, what procedures we follow etc. on the website of Positive social environment at UCT Prague 

I have a suggestion about the university's functioning and about the university environment

Refer to the senators of the academic senate, e.g. through the senators of your faculty.

You can find the contacts here.

Updated: 26.8.2024 12:35, Author: Department of International Relations


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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