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I am a Graduate

Student Status

The student status expires on the day the last part of the State Final Exam (SFE) is passed.

Without the official student status, the following cease to apply:

  • Student discounts (fare tickets, student bank accounts, canteens, and other benefits); however,  the ISIC card remains active for some discounts until the end of the calendar year.
  • ISIC/UCT Prague identification card for entry & school login data: available a few more days after the FSE. Arranging forwarding e-mails, downloading documents, etc. on time is recommended.

Student status is renewed on the day of enrolment in the next study or the next level of study (master's, doctoral).

What do I need to arrange?

Exit clearance form (ECF)

In order to properly finish your studies, you must submit the UCT Prague Exit clearance form (ECF) to your study officer (before the diploma is issued at the latest). It contains confirmations from various university departments (in the form of a stamp or an attached e-mail).

  • The department where you completed your thesis: Return all borrowed items (often including keys), clear the assigned space, fulfil the agreed work, etc. The Exit clearance form is signed by the head of the department or the department's secretariat.
  • National Library of Technology: Return all books, and settle the registered account. The ECF is handled by the library cash register.
  • UCT Prague computer center: Balance the account on your ISIC/UCT Prague card (top-up payment/refund). The ECF is handled by a representative of the Computer Center (ground floor of building B, BS82).
  • Dormitories: Students accommodated in the UCT Prague dorms: Follow instructions of the Administration of University Facilities (dorms management). Students accommodated elsewhere will submit an affidavit confirming they never lived in the UCT Prague dormitories. The ECF is handled by the Accommodation Office (Sázava dormitory). The possible eviction date is based on your accommodation contract, the contract can be extended until the end of August if necessary; interest in accommodation while continuing the follow-up studies must be reported to the Accommodation office; AUF will provide more information.
  • General practitioner (except for SoB students): Confirmation of completion of the exit examination by a doctor, or a copy of the entrance examination from the follow-up study application.

Residence Permit (non-EU citizens)

  • If you plan to stay in the Czech Republic and are looking for job opportunities, you must exchange your residence permit for the purpose of "study" for a "seeking employment" residence permit. Visit the official website of the Ministry of Interior to learn how to proceed.
  • If you decide to leave the Czech Republic permanently, don't forget to return your residence permit card. Visit the official website of the Ministry of Interior to learn how to proceed.


I want to keep in touch with the university! – Alumni Club

The UCT Prague Alumni Club brings together UCT Prague graduates and friends. It aims to create a mutual communication platform between the university, alumni and current students.

The Club encourages the development of professional contacts in terms of job seeking or establishing new collaborations on projects with the university or among the club members. Membership also comes with other benefits – invitations to the university's social, cultural or sports events, the opportunity to participate in educational lectures and courses or use a consultation in a Counselling and Career Centre.

You can find more information and registration on the website of the Alumni Club

Updated: 26.8.2024 12:36, Author: Department of International Relations


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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