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Format of Diploma

Starting from June 2024, UCT Prague will issue bilingual Czech-English diplomas to graduates.

By default, the birth name is not indicated on these diplomas.

It is possible to include the birth name on the diploma, based on the written request submitted to the study office of the faculty no later than 5 working days before the Final state exam, or defence of the final thesis.

For this request, use the universal general application form (see below), on which you indicate the requirement to add your birth name on the diploma and state your birth name in the justification. If the birth name has not yet been entered in the SIS, a copy of the birth certificate or other official document on the birth name is a mandatory attachment to the application.


Red Diploma

You will receive a red diploma (an assessment of the overall result of your studies as "with distinction") if you meet the following conditions:

  • Academic average up to 1,50 inclusive for the entire period of bachelor's studies, or up to 1,20 inclusive for the entire period of subsequent master's studies.
  • No exam or graded credit graded "sufficient" (E).
  • You did not repeat the FSE.
  • Overall FSE classification "excellent".

If previous bad grades would prevent you from earning a "red diploma", you can submit a written request to the dean to take a make-up exam for a maximum of two study subjects; the student must pass these exams before the day of the FSE.

You can find more information in the Study and Examination Rules, Art. 29, respectively Art. 31 (see section I study – Study regulations).

Updated: 26.8.2024 12:36, Author: Department of International Relations


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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