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Student election at FFBT

I am a bachelor's or master's student

  • I vote together with doctoral students 1  mandate into the university senate
  • I vote 1 mandate into the faculty senate

I am a doctoral student

  • I vote together with bachelor's and master's students 1 mandate into the university senate
  • I vote 1 mandate into the faculty senate

Lists of candidates

Univerzity senate

FFBP senate, bachelor's and Master's electoral group

FFBP senate, doctoral electoral group


Election profiles

Candidates are listed alphabetically

Brabcová Michaela, BSc.

 ◳ brabcova (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: faculty senate for BA. and MSc. students
I study: 1st year of MSc. - study program Chemistry and analysis of food and natural products

Who am I?

If only I knew! But seriously, I’m Míša, I’m a first year Master student and survived the bacheor study in Food Chemistry and Analysis at this faculty. I’m a member of the Tutors, where I help newcoming students, I also started Group Tutoring and helped some Erasmus students as their Buddy. I’m also a volunteer at Dobroduš Diaconia, teach kids science experiments and do taekwondo. :D

Why should you vote for me?

This is my fourth year at UCT and I have lots of experience, I love UCT and I know what‘s needed to change. Thanks to my experience with the Tutors I know the organisation of some projects and how the school functions. I also take interest in the current events at school. As a Group Tutor I come into contact with the first year students and know their issues. I think I have lots of empathy and I try to listen to students‘ problems so I share their experince with the senate. I struggled with many issues in the bachelor study as well, some were study related, some were psychological, and know the studies can be hard at times, but many problems, some of which are caused by our imperfect system, can be solved and I can hear out your obsrvations and give them to the senate and deal with them.

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Burianová Linda

 ◳ burianova (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: faculty senate for BSc. and MSc. students
I study: 2nd year of BA. - study program BIOBIO

Who am I?

Hey, my name's Linda and I'm in my second year at Biochemistry and biotechnology. I come from a small village located in the middle of Česká Kanada. I like active life, any form of movement and taking trips to nature or some nice city. In my free time I meet up with my friends over a cup of coffee or a glass of good wine. 

Why should you vote for me?

I would say I'm a person with a heart in the right place. If I can, I will help, and if I get excited about something, I'm able to make it to the end. Apart from purposefulness I'm also responsible and honest person. I would like to take advantages from these qualities in the academic senate. I like learning new things, so I took the opportunity, because this function could be a useful experience in my personal and career life. 

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Malý Matěj, BSc.

 ◳ maly (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: university senate
I study: 2nd year of MSc. - study program Food quality and safety

Who am I?

I am currently finishing the 5th year and I am preparing for a PhD study. UCT has grown to my heart from the first moment, and it is still so today. In freshman year, I founded the After first semester party. Within the UNI-ART student association we organize various activities for students. I was in the faculty senate for 2 years, I went to two Erasmus, to France and Austria.

Why should you vote for me?

Two years in the „small“ faculty senate was a great experience for me. I organized a streamed discussion with the candidates for the new dean of our faculty, we have been working for a long time to improve distance learning. Thanks to these and other experiences of negotiations with the management, I gained valuable contacts not only across the faculty, but also the entire UCT. Since I care very much about our school and its students, I would like to promote their interests in the school-wide "big" senate. After my experience from abroad, I would emphasize greater internationalization of the UCT,support for internships abroad and teaching English. At the same time, I want to motivate active students and help them implement their ideas,because our students can do more than they often think.

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Pljaskov Maxim

I run for: university senate

Candidate didn't provided any data


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Raffaj Ondřej

I run for: faculty senate for BSc. and MSc. students
I study: 1st year of BSc. - program Biochemistry and biotechnology

Who am I?

I am normal student, who attended lectures not to just sleep there, but to learn something. I was visiting our school cafe, where I used to meet with my friend to drink beer or coffee. I am part of school clubs (Divoch, Chempro, ÚDKH).

Why should you vote for me?

I would like to make more courses in English, so you can meet more students from Czechia and improve possibilities of our students to go for Erasmus and also for foreign students to come to UTC.

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Rýdlová Ladislava, MSc.

 ◳ Rydlova (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: university and faculty senate for doctoral students
I study: 4th year of Ph.D. - study program Food technology

Who am I?

My name is Laďka Rýdlová. I´m a student of the fourth year of the doctoral study program Food Technology. I like to spend my free time by cooking, with a good book or by going to the nature for a walk with my dog. I´m interested in personality psychology and self-development. For me is very important the time spent with my family and friends, for example playing board games, which are my hobby. I like honest people and hate tomato sauce.

Why should you vote for me?

I care what happens at our university and I would like to be actively involved in its future development. I´m not indiferent to the situation of students, I would like to be their voice, to promote their interests and reasonable opinions, to make the study even better and more pleasant. When I decide to do something, I go for it fully and so would be my work in the academic senate.I will be grateful for any expression of trust in the form of your vote.

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Škubník Jan, MSc.

 ◳ skubnik (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: university and faculty senate for doctoral students
I study: 1st year of Ph.D. - Biochemistry and biorganic chemistry

Who am I?

My name is Honza, I am 24 and I come from a harsh Silesia. I studied forensics and bioanalytic methods on FFBT and decided to stay for a doctoral degree in my favourite biochemistry. In my free time I enjoy hiking in nature, sightseeing or collecting tourist stamps. My greatest hobby is music, I play trombone in our wonderful university orchestra. I am a big fan of cider and delicious food.

Why should you vote for me?

Senate should be heard. Students, including those, who are not activelly interested in school operation, should know, what is being discussed in the Senate, what passes the Senate. In cooperation with school management, I would like to create a platform sending information to the students. Besides that, I would like to discuss improving of conditions for compulsory practices of master students, or unifying requirements for absolving of subjects linked with measuring students' theses.

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Špaček Jan

 ◳ spacek (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)Kandiduji do: fakultního senátu za BSc. A Mgr. studenty
I study: 2nd year of BSc. - study program Biochemistry and biotechnology

Who am I?

I'm John, an enthusiastic chemist, who is unable to live without chemistry (like if anyone could- HAHA). My interest in chemistry has started in grammar school, where I'm attending as a lab assistant today, co I can help our future schoolmates. If you'd be looking for me in any of the guilds, you will find me in the Balling's homebrewers guild! And why is it important? As soon as it will be possible, we will do our best to prepare a unique beer experience each month in Carbon, so our meetings can be even more connected.

Why should you vote for me?

Next to chemistry I'm also interested in politics and environment. The Academic senate is the ideal institution for me, which I'd love to be part of. It's a place, which I perceive as a place of opportunity and new ideas to improve studies at our university. I'm open to new ideas, different opinions and dialogue. In case of any problem, I'm able to keep my head cool, so you could refer to me for help. I'd love to get even more involved in school's life a become the one, who will protect your opinions, requests and suggestions on the ground of the Academic senate. I hope that UCT will become my Alma mater and I will have my conscience clear, because I've done everything to be part of UCT's life.

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Vaňous Jan, BSc.

 ◳ vanous (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: university and faculty senate for BSc. an MSc. students
I study: 1st year of MSc. - study program Mikrobiology and genetic engineering

Who am I?

I am an ordinary student of one extraordinary Prague university - UCT. I like science a lot, genetics the most, so that is why i am here studying Genetic engineering. Meanwhile, I am also very interested into what's happening in school, I participate in many events, I'm actively competing in Šípkův pohár and I am a member of Tutor group.

Why should you vote for me?

I like studies on UCT, it is amazing in most cases, despite of some existing hassles (we all know some od them). So I would like to participate on influencing what is happening at school and change that some hassles or ward off their coming, but i would like also to change the perception of UCT in vincinity.
I went to study on UCT od mine own accord but I would not have known about existence of UCT if there wasn't a lecture of prof. Kodíček, who had been invited on our grammar school by our chemistry teacher. Professor Kodíček recount us about Biochemistry and I liked it so much that after the lecture I visited UCT on open doors days. Since then I am trying to increase awareness about UCT among younger students, which I am lectoring or which I am actively chatting with.
As far as I am concerned about what is happening at school, i would like to influence mostly the students' awareness about activities they can be part of and collective connecting of all people in school (so can be within a departement, within a faculty or between faculties). I am glad if I can help other or give them some good piece of advice, and although I have a lot of options about this as a member of Tutors and a co-leader of Schoolgroup tutoring project, I believe that I will have more chances to help and change something as a senator.

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Updated: 30.11.2020 09:58, Author: Jan Kříž


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