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Single Digital Gateway at UCT Prague

Single Digital Gateway at UCT is an online solution offering citizens and businesses easy access to information, procedures and assistance and resolution services.

  • More about the single digital gateway 


Overview of services

  • Applying for a tertiary education study financing (such as study grants and loans from a public body or institution)


Created with support of the EU project

Implementation of the SDG Regulation – Introducing the University Service

Project title: Implementation of the SDG Regulation – Introducing the University Service 

Project registration number: CZ.31.1.01/MV/23_52/0000052 

Implementation period: 1 April 2023 – 31 May 2026

The Single Digital Gateway (SDG) is a tool created based on Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 of the European Parliament and of the Council in October of 2018, the objective of which is to provide online access to information, procedures, assistance services, and problem-solving services. Simply put, the SDG is intended to facilitate user communication with public administration by offering the online access to individual agendas, and as a part of them, automatic data collection from various public administration information systems. This is one of the steps towards fulfilling the vision “papers should circulate, not people”. As a result, the Single Digital Gateway will reduce the administrative burden and increase user comfort. With the understanding that, in some agendas, the university is also considered a public authority, it can offer its services as a part of them through the Single Digital Gateway.

In April 2023, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, together with 25 other Czech universities, started the EU-subsidized project “Implementation of the SDG Regulation – Introducing the University Service”, which was assigned the registration number CZ.31.1.01/MV/23_52/0000052. This project deals with the digitalization of two procedures:

  1. Applications for the financing of university studies, for example in the form of a scholarship and loan from a public authority or institution
  2. Submitting initial applications for admission to a public higher education institution.

Online forms are available for applicants and students of all public universities in the Czech Republic for submitting university applications and applications for scholarships, and these two procedures will be linked to the NIA/DIA registers (Citizen Identity portal), and in connection with the availability of services for the Czech Republic, to the Once-Only Technical System (OOTS) registers.

The total planned expenditures for the project (inclusive of VAT) are CZK 138,404,197.48.

The project is supported by EU funds – the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).

Updated: 3.10.2023 16:46, Author: Jan Kříž


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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