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Support for projects

The Project Centre strives to provide researchers with ideal support services throughout project life cycles.

The Project Centre offers methodical support and administrative support to particular faculties, and each of these has its own project manager who assists mainly during the preparation of a project proposal and during implementation of a project. Learn more about the Project Centre in the 14th edition of UCT Prague’s internal magazine, SPIN (in Czech).

Methodical support

We offer you:

Methodical support in preparing project applications according to the conditions of the given call for proposals
  • Ensuring compliance with internal regulations
  • Organizing and making sure that you have the necessary UCT Prague attachments (e.g. affidavit or power of attorney)
  • Communication with grant providers (sending project applications via secure data transfer box)
Support during project implementation
  • Administering change procedures
  • Communicating with grant providers, sending interim and final reports by secure data transfer box
  • Publishing contracts with grant providers in the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic’s public register
Administrative support when concluding contracts with providers and project partners

Contact the project manager providing methodical support for the funding mechanism to which you’re applying.

Training sessions and seminars

The Project Centre also organizes seminars and workshops, with events announced on our website and in our newsletter.

Individual consultations
  • Understanding how specific scientific research projects might receive funding from Czech and international funding agencies.
  • During the consultation with you, we will provide you with a list of suitable grant schemes and assist you in selecting the right one for your project.
  • We will give you tips on joining a high-quality consortium and in setting up consortia.
  • For selected grant programmes, we will comment on your project proposal or have it reviewed on an external expert.

Contact one of the project managers providing methodical support to make an appointment for your individual consultation.

Project support for particular faculties

You can contact your faculty’s project manager when preparing a project proposal:

Support activities include:

  • Coordinating project proposal preparation
  • Supporting communication with project partners
  • Providing documents and assistance in preparing the administrative parts of a project
  • Ensuring and inserting mandatory attachments into the funding agency's information system
  • Checking the proposal to see if it meets all of a call’s formal requirements
  • Ensuring that the final version is delivered by secure data transfer mailbox
  • Creating the project budget: its content and appropriateness, calculation of personnel costs for project team members according to their job descriptions and overhead/indirect costs
  • Establishing the project and entering the required data into the UCT Prague’s GaP (grant tracking) system, possibly also into the funding agency’s external information systems (the Czech Academy of Science’s GRIS system, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic’s ISTA system)
You can contact your faculty’s project manager during the implementation of the project:
  • With a request for ongoing supervision and control of financial use of project funds: personnel expenses, changes in duties, and personal allowances
  • With a request for help preparing the financial part of interim and final project report (e.g. providing mandatory annexes, communication with the Department for Planning and Budget)
  • With coordinating regular UCT Prague project team meetings and/or consortium meetings

Other support options

If you want to submit a project application to an international provider:


If you want to invite an international expert to UCT Prague


Take advantage of internal grants

Updated: 16.9.2022 08:52, Author: Miroslava Grünwaldt


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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