Main fellowship opportunities and facts – check our poster (December 2022)
International Postdoctoral Fellows are invited to give a talk at a dedicated Research Fellows Conference, already becoming a tradition at UCT.
Postdocs relocating to UCT Prague from abroad get assistance at all stages of their fellowship preparation and duration by the qualified staff of the Welcome Center, recently established within the International Department.
The PhD_PostDoc Club welcomes all postdoctoral fellows, organises regular monthly gatherings and offers diverse programme both related to research and beyond.
UCT Prague has hosted grantees of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral (previously Individual) Fellowships since 2017.
In addition, MSCA Fellowship proposals not reaching directly the MSCA grant, but getting at least 70% in the evalution, have been systematically funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds-ESIF since the 2017 call, via the national Operational Programme for Research, Development and Education (2014-2021).
16 incoming and 3 outgoing MSCA fellowship proposals could so far be implemented this way, grouped under UCT Prague projects named Chemfells („Chemical Fellows“):
- Chemfells4UCTP (3/2018 – 3/2021)
- Chemfells II (11/2018 – 11/2020)
- Chemfells III (9/2019 – 12/2021)
- Chemfells IV (10/2020 – 6/2023)
- Chemfells V (1/2023 - 12/2025)
- Chemfells VI (1/2024 - 4/2027)
- Chemfells VII (1/2025 - 4/2028)
UCT fully used funds allocated to research mobility and internationalisation of the university working environment in two specific calls under the ESIF co-funded Operational Programme Research, Development and Education.
This allowed for 22 incoming postdoctoral fellowships spread accross different research groups of our 4 faculties, and grouped into two projects:
- ChemJets (1/2018 – 12/2020)
- ChemJets2 (5/2020 – 6/2023)
Should a similar call arise under the upcoming Johannes Amos Comenius Programme or another scheme, UCT will use the opportunity as best possible, building on the acquired rich experience with mobility projects.