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Scientific project (VIGA)


Veronika Popová, phone line 3806, e-mail: 
Mili Viktorie Losmanová, phone line 4536, e-mail:

Submission of grant applications for the year 2024/2025 can be done only electronically

from 1 December 2023 up to 15 January 2024, 14:00

Type A1: Student Scientific Disciplinary Project in MIS module EPZ

Type A2: Student Scientific Research Project in MIS - IGA Interní grantová agentura 

IGA documents - go to the buttom of this page

Faculty regulations and limits - binding documents - log in the MIS - IGA application (IGA - Interní grantová agentura) and check competition details (Soutěže - Detail soutěže)

Manuals/Guides for Researchers:

Provision and use of Financial Support, the Dedication of the Project outcomes, Rights and obligations - please read the translation of:

  • AGREEMENT (see an example on bottom of the page) on the terms and conditions of the use of financial support for a research student scientific project accepted for realization by the grant agency of UCT Prague
  • Rules for the use of funds of iga student scientific project

  • Proposal for a change in the project (Návrh na změnu v projektu) - the researcher submits the filled in form of the Proposal to the Faculty Grant Commission (FGK). The form is to be found in MIS - Grants and Projects (Granty a projekty) - on the project line under the icon Actions (Akce) – Forms (Formuláře) - Proposal for a change in the project (Návrh na změnu v projektu). The scan of the signed and approved Proposal uploads the main researcher into the MIS - same path – Files (Soubory) - Changes in the project (Změny). In case of a change of the principal investigator, the researcher informs the contact persons of the 965 Research and Technology Transfer Office (Oddělení pro výzkum a transfer technologií) (  or

  • OBD - Entering results from VIGA (scientific IGA projects) in the OBD:

Only S funding or a combination with P or I can be used. IGA Funder is MŠMT  (Ministry of  Education, Youth and Sports).

If, as a doctoral candidate, you enter the results into the OBD and terminate your tenure at UCT, Prague, transfer ownership of the OBD results to your supervisor so that any incomplete or incorrect entries can be supplemented/corrected.

  • Dedication of the Project outcomes shall be as follows:

Czech version: „Tento výstup vznikl v rámci projektu Specifického vysokoškolského výzkumu – projekt č. xxxxxxxxxxxxx“

English version: „This work was supported from the grant of Specific university research – grant No xxxxxx“. Fill in  the project application number from IGA, e.g. A2_FCHT_2021_123. 

Updated: 20.3.2024 12:07, Author: Veronika Popová

A/V/961/22/2023 (EN)Announcement of internal grant competition at UCT Prague for the year 2024/202520.11.202331.03.2025
A/N/961/6/2023 (EN)Principles of student grant competition to support projects of specific university research at UCT Prague06.06.2023
A/N/961/5/2023 (EN)Grant Regulations of UCT Prague06.06.2023
VIGA agreement (EN)Example of agreement signed by Investigator and UCT Prague23.02.2024


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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