Dear potential IGRA project team members and mentors,
In order to ensure successful implementation of the IGRA project, among others, we organize trainings that should enhance your knowledge and competences in different areas of research and science. Some of you already participated in the on-line trainings provided in December (they fall into the categories stated below – trainings organized by the Department of Research and Development, in the scope of 2 x 2 hours). In the future, we plan to hold more training sessions, either face-to-face or online – depending on the then current (pandemic) situation; however, we won't hesitate to announce the training sessions and we'll keep updating this website with the dates of the individual events. For most training sessions, we plan two dates so that you don't miss out on any topic of your interest. Having said that, we strongly suggest – go ahead and sign up! On the other hand, the project will be running for several semesters; so if you don't succeed in registering for a training event of your choice, there are still chances you'll be able to enrol next semester as well.
Once available and announced by e-mail, you can register for specific dates usually here
Úvod do legislativy a zdroje a financování VaVaI (Introduction to legislation and RDI -“VaVal” in Czech - resources and financing - 4 hours) December 16, 2020 (2 hours) new dates will be added |
R&D |
students |
Dopady projektů a programů VaVaI v ČR a jejich hodnocení (Impact of RDI projects and programmes in the Czech Republic and their evaluation) |
External - Cerge |
mentors |
Typy vědeckých projektů, plánování, fáze a optimalizace výsledků (Types of research projects, planning, phases and optimisation of results - 4 hours) - various types of trainngs usually per 2 hours December 15, 2020 (2 hours) - Jak na projekty IGRA - IGRA Projects March 3, 2021, 15-17 (2 hours) - Řízení projektů - Project management November 30, 2021 15-17 (2hours) Řízení projektů a přehled aktuálních výzev new dates will be added |
R&D |
students |
Řízení týmu a zásady komunikace (Team management and principles of communication) (4 hours) Group 1: 3.5.2021, 8,30 - 12,30 Group 2: 4.5.2021, 8,30 - 12,30 |
External trainer |
students |
mentors |
Mentoring a jeho metody a postupy (Mentoring, its methods and procedures) Group 1: 1.6.2021, 8,30 - 12,30 Group 2: 1.6.2021, 13,30 - 17,30 |
External trainer |
mentors |
Mentoring - typy projektů a role mentora (Mentoring - types of projects) (2 hours) November 24, 2021 10-12 (2 hours) - Mentoring - projekty MSCA PF a Data Management Plan |
R&D |
mentors |
Genderové stereotypy ve VaV a jejich eliminace (Gender stereotypes in R&D and their elimination - 2 hours) March 24, 2021, 9,00 - 11,00 May 11, 2021, 15,00 - 17,00 - in Czech only new date will be added |
External trainer |
students |
mentors |
Vědecké publikace a etika vědecké práce (Scientific publications and research ethics) |
students |
mentors |
Průmyslové vlastnictví a autorské právo (Industrial property and copyright) |
External trainer |
students |
mentors |
Academic Writing in English 14 - 18 June 2021 - intensive 20 hours one-week course new courses will be added |
Department of Languages |
students |
Prezentace výsledků VaVaI různým cílovým skupinám (Presentation of RDI results to different target groups) |
Counselling and Career Centre |
students |
mentors |
Řízení projektů - MS Project (Project management - MS Project) (20 hours) June 2021 |
students |
Pursuant to the Internal grant competition of UCT Prague - IGRA@UCTP, research team members and mentors are obliged to participate in 30 hours or learning activities per person (mentor, student).