Conference will be held on 15th November 2023 in meeting room No 2319, Zikova 4, building B, first floor with a full attendance form.
13:45 – 14:00 Registration & Welcome Coffee
14:00 – 14:10 Welcome address by prof. Pavel Novák, Vice-Dean for Science and Research
14:10 – 15:00 1st Session
14:10-14:20 Shuangying Wei - Reaction Mechanism and Performance of Innovative 2D Germanane-Silicane Alloys: SixGe1−xH Electrodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries
14:20-14:30 Monaam Benali - Unlocking the Potential of 2D Materials based Photo-Rechargeable Electrochemical Energy Storage System
14:30-14:40 Filipa Oliveira - Emerging 2D materials for electromagnetic interference shielding applications
14:40-14:50 Tomáš Sedlačík - Development of advanced bioglass-polymer scaffolds for OSTEOCHONdral interface tissue regeneration
14:50-15:00 Joyce Boitumelo Matsoso Synthesis of Mo-based MXenes as catalysts for CO2 reduction reaction
15:00 – 15:20 Coffee Break
15:20 – 16:20 2nd Session
15:20-15:30 Anna Heleveria - To link or to make? N-Heterocycles in two dimensions
15:30-15:40 Sergii Sergiienko - MAX phase / MXene / Ni porous composites for energy conversion application
15:40-15:50 Levna Chacko - Development of nanocatalysts for photo/electrochemical energy conversion through alkaline water electrolysis
15:50-16:00 Piotr Zabierowski - Hybrid halides templated with pi-conjugated complexes of copper: inclusion phenomena, redox isomerism and functionalisation of 2D materials
16:00-16:10 Payal Chauhan - 2D TM-LDH (Layered double hydroxide) with low dimensions materials (MXene, graphene, and TMC) as flexible solid state and electrochemical supercapacitors and electrocatalyst
16:10-16:20 Edith Mawunya Kutorglo - Make the most of your postdoc: Tips and strategies to achieve your goals while maintaining a healthy mental well-being (building resilience)
16:20 – 19:00 Discussion, networking, refreshments
Research Fellows at UCT Prague
Shuangying Wei
Talk: Reaction Mechanism and Performance of Innovative 2D Germanane-Silicane Alloys: SixGe1−xH Electrodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries
PhD from: University of Ferrara, Italy (2021)
My last position: Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Country of my last position: Czechia
My former collaborations
- University of Ferrara, Italy
- University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
- Xiangtan University, China
My scientific highlights
- My research interests are centered on lithium battery science and technology, with a particular focus on synthesizing, modifying, and exfoliating 2D functionalized germananes. I also conduct lithium-ion full-cell studies, combining 2D anodes with various cathodes, including olivine, layered oxide, and spinel oxide.
- In 2021, I successfully obtained a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA PF) to work on 2D nanomaterials, involving their synthesis, characterization, and applications.
- I have authored research and review papers published in 30 high-impact journals, including Energy Storage Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Journal of Power Sources, Nanoscale Horizons, Journal of Energy Chemistry, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Electrochimica Acta, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, and ChemElectroChem, among others.
- My research paper published in ChemElectroChem in 2020 (7 (11), 2340-2340) was featured on the "Front Cover" of a regular issue of the journal.
My achievements, awards
- “MSCA PF” in UCT Prague
- “National scholarship” for postgraduates awarded by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
- “National encouragement scholarship” for undergraduates awarded by Hunan Education Department
- “Outstanding Graduates” for postgraduates awarded by Xiangtan University
- “Outstanding Graduates” for postgraduates awarded by Xiangtan City
- “Merit-based student” awarded by Xiangtan University
- “Award of excellent student cadre” awarded by Xiangtan University
- “Second-class scholarship” awarded by Hengyang Normal University
- “Merit-based student” awarded by Hengyang Normal University
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
- Development of Atomically thin pristine germanane with diverse chemical functionalities for energy storage: sodium/lithium-ion batteries.
Type of collaborations I am looking for
- Experimentalist working on the design and synthesis of 2D electrode materials.
- Computational chemist (DFT calculations) researching the electrochemical properties of 2D materials.
Monaam Benali
Talk: Unlocking the Potential of 2D Materials based Photo-Rechargeable Electrochemical Energy Storage System
PhD from: University of Tunis El-Manar, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Tunis/Tunisia
My last position: Postdoc in Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Country of my last position: China
My former collaborations
- University of Bisha with Prof. Habib Elhouichet
- French National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris (CNRS) and University Lille 1 with Dr. Rabah Boukherroub
My scientific highlights
The synthesis of nanomaterials, semiconductors and composites.
- Application in photocatalysis (photodegradation of organic pollutants and H2 evolution).
- Scientific publications of 17 SCI papers (13 first author) in high-impact journals (Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science etc.)
- Recognized Reviewer: chemical Engineering Journal, Chemical Physics; Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids; Journal of Hazardous Materials; Electrochimica Acta; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing.
My achievements, awards
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Nanjing University of Science and Technology.
- Chemfells V (UCT Prague)
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
The synthesis of nanomaterials, semiconductors including 2D materials and their application for solar energy conversion, photo-batteries and light assisted metal-air batteries devices.
Type of collaborations I am looking for
I am interested in collaborating with any university colleagues who are working on the design, synthesis, and characterization of nanomaterials in diverse shapes and structures. As well as, any research groups who are working in the area of photo-electrochemical energy storage system using 2D materials.
Filipa Oliveira
Talk: Emerging 2D materials for electromagnetic interference shielding applications
PhD from: University of Minho, Portugal (October 2020)
My last position: Postdoctoral Researcher at the UCT Prague
Country of my last position: Czechia
My ongoing collaborations
- RWTH Aachen University, Germany
- CeNTI – Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials, Portugal
My scientific highlights
- Guest-editor of a special issue “MAX phases and MXenes: exploring the frontiers of nanolaminated compounds” of the Open Ceramics journal, from Elsevier – ongoing.
- Organizing committee of the scientific conference “FLATLANDS beyond Graphene 2023”, Prague.
- Within the Sofer group, I have established electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding measurements.
My achievements, awards
- MSCA Fellowship CZ – CZ OP JAK CHEMFELLS V (2023-2025).
- Selected (one of 10 young researchers from the CZ) to visit the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy, a European Commission site, in the framework of the Presidency of the Czech Republic in the Council of the EU (2022). This included shadowing in the European Microwave Signature Laboratory.
- Awarded a scholarship (one of 9 Ph.D. students from Portugal) to participate in a training course on Nano-scale Materials: Characterization Techniques and Applications at Dresden Fraunhofer Cluster Nanoanalysis (DFCNA), Germany, in 2017.
- Awarded a scholarship to attend a training course Characterization Tools of Materials for Nanotechnologies at Nova University Lisbon/CENIMAT, Portugal, 2016.
- PhD grant from Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (2016-2020).
- Honorable Mention for the best oral presentation by the Portuguese Society of Chemistry, Portugal, 2013.
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
My current research interests include the synthesis and processing of 2D materials and their composites for applications related to microwave absorption and EMI shielding. Additionally, I am actively developing expertise in operating various characterization techniques, including SEM/EDX, TEM, XRD, and Raman spectroscopy.
Type of collaborations I am looking for
DFT modelling of 2D materials with microwave absorption and EMI shielding properties.
Tomáš Sedlačík
Talk: Development of advanced bioglass-polymer scaffolds for OSTEOCHONdral interface tissue regeneration
PhD from: University of Chemistry and Technology
My last position: Ghent University, postdoctoral researcher
Country of my last position: Belgium
My former collaborations
- Prof. Richard Hoogenboom, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
- Prof. Jian Ping Gong, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
- Prof. Minna Kellomäki, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
- Dr. Dana Kubies, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Prague, Czechia
- Prof. Gamze Köse, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey
My scientific highlights
- Engineering of an electrically charged hydrogel implanted into a traumatic brain injury model for stepwise neuronal tissue reconstruction. Scientific Reports 2023, 13, 2233
- Nanoscale TEM Imaging of Hydrogel Network Architecture. Advanced Materials 2022, 35, 2208902
- Preparation of tough double- and triple-network supermacroporous hydrogels trough repeated cryogelation. Chemistry of Materials 2020, 32, 8576-8586
- Bioengineering a pre-vascularized pouch for subsequent islet transplantation using VEGF-loaded polylactide capsules. Biomaterials Science 2020, DOI: 10.1039/C9BM01280J.
My achievements, awards
- MSCA PF 2022 (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022)
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
Natural and synthetic polymers, polymeric networks, synthesis, characterization and application of hydrogels and hydrogel-containing materials and devices, tissue engineering, drug delivery systems, 3D printing techniques, bioactive glass and ceramics
Type of collaborations I am looking for
Development and characteriation of new hydrogels and their applications. Perhaps you are looking for a soft solid materials for your brand new technology. Strechy, strong, injectable, particulate, micro, nano, film, composite. Maybe you have a new hydrophilic polymer and you want to get an interesting hydrogel from it. Or you are trying to develop a drug delivery device, scaffolds for tissue enginerring, biosensors, etc. Or maybe you have a new characteriation tool that could be applied to hydrogels.
Joyce Boitumelo Matsoso
Talk: Synthesis of Mo-based MXenes as catalysts for CO2 reduction reaction
PhD from: University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
My last position: Research Fellow in LMI 5615 CNRS at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Country of my last position: France
My former collaborations
- Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
- Departamento de Físca, Universidade Federal do Parana, Brazil
- National Research Centre for Energy and Materials (CNPEM), Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Canadian Light Source Inc., Saskatoon, Canada
My scientific highlights
- Graphene Flagship Mentorship Programme member (Since 2020)
- Supervision of 12 students (PhD, MSc and Honours, 2015-2020) at University of the Witwatersrand.
- Guest Editor Coatings (MDPI): Special Issue- Advanced Two-Dimensional Materials: Graphene
- Reviewer for Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Sensors, Energies, Ceramics
- 2007 Student Chapter for South African Nanotechnology Initiative (SANi)
- Graduate student exchange programme to Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Sonning Common, UK.
My achievements, awards
- Recipient of CHEMFELLS IV (2021-2023) and CHEMFELLS V (2023-2025), projects, UCT Prague
- Recipient of African Pittcon 2020 Travel Grant for 2020 Pittcon Conference, Chicago, USA.
- Recipient of Graphene Flagship research fellowship (2018) for research at LMI UMR-5615 CNRS, Lyon.
- 2016 National Young Spectroscopist Award recipient, South Africa.
- 2016 Graphene Conference Student Travel grant, Genoa, Italy.
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
Synthesis of 2D-2D heterojunction hybrids nanostructures as electrochemical electrodes in chemical sensors as well as in energy storage and conversion devices such as supercapacitors and nitrogen reduction reaction.
Type of collaborations I am looking for
DFT modelling of electrochemical energy systems.
Anna Heleveria
Talk: To link or to make? N-Heterocycles in two dimensions
Now I am a PhD-student at UCT (Prague, CZ) and Karazin University (Ukraine)
My last position: MSc in V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and head of the laboratory at Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center for Quality of Medicines (Ukraine)
Country of my last position: Ukraine
My former collaborations
- State Scientific Institution “Institute for Single Crystals” of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
- Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center for Quality of Medicines (Ukraine)
My scientific highlights
- One-pot synthesis and crystal structure of diethyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(1-(2-nitrophenyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate, C21H23N5O6 (Z. Kristallogr. – N. Cryst. Struct. 2023; 238(2): 381–384)
- Polymorphism of 3-(5-phenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)- and 3-[5-(pyridin-4-yl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl]-2H-chromen-2-ones Acta (Cryst. (2019). C75, 1541-1553)
- Influence of ortho-substituent on the molecular and crystal structures of 2-(N-arylimino)coumarin-3-carboxamide: isotypic and polymorphic structures (Acta Cryst. (2019). B75, 887-902)
- Three polymorphs of 3-(3-phenyl-1H-1,2,4-triazol-5-yl)-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one formed from different solvents (Acta Cryst. (2019). C75, 822-832)
- Hydrogen bonding vs. stacking interaction in the crystals of the simplest coumarin derivatives: a study from the energetic viewpoint (CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 6945-6957)
- 4-(1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives / Patent application for an invention № A201906190 03.06.2019 [UA]
- Derivatives of condensed mesoionic compounds of 5,6-dihydro-[1,2,4]triazole[1,5-c]quinazoline-1-ium-2-thiolates / Patent application for an invention № A201909260 13.08.2019
- 4-(1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)-1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives / Patent application for an invention № A202002578 27.04.2020 [UA]
My achievements, awards
- grant of Specific university research N° A2_FCHT_2023_103
- grant of MSCA4Ukraine 2023 – 2025
- Participated in more than 14 conferences, 8 of which were awarded as the best report or poster
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
I received vast training in organic synthesis and crystal engineering during the masters and doctoral studies in Kharkov. The synthetic schemes covered a broad range of transformation leading to N-heterocyclic derivatives synthesized either by “click” or by Hantzsch and Biginelli multicomponent reactions.
After relocation to Czechia (CZ), I have amalgamated my skills and background with the focus of the hosting laboratory focusing on photo- and organocatalysis, surface science and self-assembly. This crystallized into an original research topic for my doctoral work in CZ: rethinking the paradigm of the role of N-heterocycle forming reactions. Some reactions are generally perceived as yielding products (Hantzsch, Biginelli), while others are predestined to link chosen fragments (CuAAC click). However, this paradigm is purely artificial and the goal of my project is to develop methodologies to question it.
Type of collaborations I am looking for
I am interested in collaborating with universities and research groups working in the area of heterogeneous photo-organo-catalysis
Sergii Sergiienko
Talk: MAX phase / MXene / Ni porous composites for energy conversion application
PhD from: L.V. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
My last position: University of Aveiro, CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, Portugal
Country of my last position: Portugal
My former collaborations
- L.V. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- University of Aveiro, CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, Portugal
My scientific highlights
- Contributions to the new processing approaches for designing MXene and nickel containing electrodes for hydrogen evolution (Sergiienko, Sergii A., et al. "MXene-containing composite electrodes for hydrogen evolution: Material design aspects and approaches for electrode fabrication." Int. J. of Hydrogen Energy 46.21 (2021): 11636-11651.).
- Contributions to the discovery of a notable photocatalytic activity of bare Ti3C2Tx MXene under near infra-red light (Sergiienko S. A., et al. "Photocatalytic removal of benzene over Ti3C2Tx MXene and TiO2–MXene composite materials under solar and NIR irradiation." J. of Mat. Chem. C 10.2 (2022): 626-639).
- Publication of 17 SCI articles in last five years, being a corresponding author in 2 of them, including 2D materials (MXene, graphitic carbon nitride), ceramics processing, solid state and liquid electrochemistry, catalysis, and thermoelectrics.
My achievements, awards
- Ph.D.
- project – Chemfells V
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
Establishing guidelines for processing composite MAX phase/ MXene/ Metal electrodes with a porous 3D structure for hydrogen evolution and energy storage application
Type of collaborations I am looking for
I am interested in collaborating with any university colleagues who are working on the design, synthesis, and characterization of nanomaterials in the area of energy storage and energy conversion.
Levna Chacko
Talk: Development of nanocatalysts for photo/electrochemical energy conversion through alkaline water electrolysis
PhD from: Central University of Kerala, Kasargod, India (2019)
My last position: Assistant Professor, CHRIST University, Bnagalore, India (2020-2022)
Country of my last position: India
My former collaborations
- ENEA Research Centre, Italy
- Indian Institute of Science and Research (IISc), Bangalore, India
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research – Hyderabad, India
- Cochin University of Science and Technology, India
- Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India
My scientific highlights
- Published scientific papers and book chapters in several reputable journals such as Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Journal of Electrochemical Society, RSC Advances etc.
- Reviewer for several journals such as AIP Advances, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier), Energy Advances (Royal Society of Chemistry)
- Expertise in the development and characterization of several two-dimensional materials, metal-oxides for sensing and catalytic applications.
- Attended several International conferences, workshops, hands-on-training programs and out-reach activities.
My achievements, awards
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral fellowship – 2021 [ID: 101063410].
- Recipient of Innovators Award-2019, Central University of Kerala, India.
- Recipient of Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) – Fellowship for Doctoral Studies, 2014 [ID: IF140815].
- Recipient of Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) –Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE), 2008 [ID: 146/2008].
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
Development of two-dimensional material based efficient electrocatalyst for green H2 production and detailed study on the electrochemical activities.
Type of collaborations I am looking for
Looking for collaborations to carry out In-situ and operando measurements
Looking forward to collaborate with experts in theoretical calculations
Interested in academic-industrial collaborations
Piotr Zabierowski
Talk: Hybrid halides templated with pi-conjugated complexes of copper: inclusion phenomena, redox isomerism and functionalisation of 2D materials
PhD from: Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
My last position: postdoc at CNR – Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici, Sezione di Bari
Country of my last position: Italy
My former collaborations
- Institut Photovoltaïque d’Ile-de-France 18, boulevard Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau, France
- Université de Strasbourg, France
- Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, France
- University of Wrocław, Poland
- Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czechia
My scientific highlights
- Ion imprinted graphene oxides for detection/determination of lead (Electrochimica Acta 2022, 434, 141307)
- Synthesis and characterisation of luminescent lanthanide complexes (Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 60, 11, 8304–8314)
- Molecular docking of phosphines and copper(I) complexes on CTDNA (Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2020, 203, 110926)
- Synthesis of halometallic double salts directed by a dicopper(I) hydrazinyl-tetraimine nanocation (New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 817-821)
My achievements, awards
- Johan Amos Comenius Fellowship (Chemfells V)
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Fellowship
- PhD student grant – Engineering imine ligands based on o-phthalaldehyde (project no. K/DSC/001470)
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
Hybrid halides templated with π-conjugated complexes: synthesis, characterisation and functionalisation of 2D materials
Type of collaborations I am looking for
Development of catalysts (polymer synthesis), chemical biology
Payal Chauhan
Talk: 2D TM-LDH (Layered double hydroxide) with low dimensions materials (MXene, graphene, and TMC) as flexible solid state and electrochemical supercapacitors and electrocatalyst
PhD from: Sardar Patel University, India (2021)
My last position: Post-Doctoral Researcher at Charotar University of Science and Technology
Country of my last position: India
My former collaborations
- Sardar Patel University, India
- Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani Hyderabad Campus, India
- Amity University Maharashtra, India
My scientific highlights
- My area of research is synthesized and characterized heterostructures composite to investigate their Electrocatalyst (Water splitting), Energy (Electrochemical and Solid state Supercapacitors) and optoelectronic applications. I have good knowledge of liquid exfoliation and hydrothermal method to process 2D materials.
- I am skilled in electrophoresis, electrodeposition, spin coating and drop-casting techniques to accomplish the fabrication of flexible electrodes of individual and heterostructures for electrochemical studies such as a self-powered photoelectrochemical photodetector, hydrogen evolution and supercapacitor applications. I can fabricate and characterize the devices independently.
- I have experience in fabricating and characterising 2D/3D solid-state devices (si-wafer based p-n junction) for the application of visible light photodetector and rectifiers.
- I have published resarch paper in the reputed journals such as ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Advanced Optical Materials, Nanoscale, Materials Today Chemistry, Electrochimica Acta, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Applied Surface Science, ACS Applied Nano Materials etc.
My achievements, awards
- MSCA Fellowship in UCT Prague
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow at CHARUSAT, India
- Dr. A. K. Shah Best Research Paper Award in 2019 for “Tunable and anisotropic photoresponse of layered Re0.2Sn0.8Se2 ternary alloy, Solar Energy”
- Dr. A. K. Shah Best Research Paper Award in 2022 for “ Engineered Interfaces of WSe2/Rhenium doped SnSe2 Heterostructures Nanosheet Arrays for SuperiorHydrogen Generation and Flexible Supercapacitor”.
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
2D TM-LDH (Layered double hydroxide) with low dimensions materials (MXene, graphene, and TMC) as flexible solid state and electrochemical supercapacitors and electrocatalyst
Type of collaborations I am looking for
Computational fellow working on Electrocatalyst and energy storage calculations
Looking for industrial collobration
Anastasiia Hubina
PhD from: Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
My last position: Postdoctoral Researcher at Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Charles University
Country of my last position: Czechia
My former collaborations
- Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Charles University
- Institute of Bioorganic and Petrochemistry NAS of Ukraine
My scientific highlights
- Polytriazole and polyimide materials for membrane applications (since 2022)
- Hydrogels and polysaccharide based materials for membrane and medical applications
- Poly(aminoacid)s block copolymer synthesis and characterization for application in drug delivery
- Supervision of MS and BSc students (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)
- More info at website https://polymermembranelab.com/
My achievements, awards
- 2014 – 2015 UNESCO/IUPAC/PhosAgro Green Chemistry Grant (“Polysaccharide-based membranes for fuel cells”)
- 2013-2014 Grant for Young Researchers from National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (“Development of Biodegradable Polysaccharides based on Polysaccharides”
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
Current research focuses on synthesis of polymer membranes for application in alkaline water electrolyzers. The research currently includes two main directions: the development of polytriazole and polyimide-based membranes.
Type of collaborations I am looking for
I am interested in collaboration with groups involved into characterization of the materials with XRD, AFM, SEM, testing membranes for gas separation ability
I am looking for chemists who synthesize metal organic complexes which can be used as additive for the polymers to obtain hybrid functional materials
Amutha Subramani
PhD from: SRM Insitute of Science and Technology, India
My last position: Postdoctoral Researcher, GTIIT
Country of my last position: China
My former collaborations
- Chenrayan Senthil – Gyeongsang National University, South Korea
- Pooja Shukla – University of Minnesota, United States
My scientific highlights
- Single molecular magnets for spintronic and memory storage applicants
- Advanced energy materials for next-generation batteries
- Tunnel magnetoresistance in graphene nanojunctions
- Interaction of strong coherent light with low dimensional materials.
My achievements, awards
- Top 25 Best Poster Award in CECAM Workshop 2014, Germany (2014)
- Best Paper Presentation Award from NCHSM-14, SRM University, India (2014 )
- Travel Grant for CECAM, Germany by DST–SERB, Govt. of India (2014)
- Junior & Senior Research Fellowship award by Dept. of Science & Technology (2014; 2016)
- Chemfells V (2023)
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
Development of lead free perovskites for solar cells: Combined Theorectical and Experimental Investigation
Non-centrosymetric materials for high efficiency bulk photovoltaic effect
Theoretical understanding on the properties such as Optical, Phonon and Raman.
Type of collaborations I am looking for
Performance testing for lead free perovskite solar cells.
High performance computing facilities.
Milena Šetka
PhD from: Central European Institute of Technology, Brno University of Technology, Czechia
My last position was as: Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czechia
Country of my last position: Czechia
My former collaborations
- National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia
- University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
- Rovira and Virgili University, Spain
- Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
- Mexican National Autonomous University, Mexico
- Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
My scientific highlights
- My research focuses on the synthesis of organic (conductive polymer), and inorganic (noble metal colloids) nanomaterials, and their composite, as well as comprehensive physical and chemical characterization of these materials through microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. These materials were tested in gas sensors, gas sorbents, photo- and electro-catalysis.
- My citation count is 448 and the h-index is 10 (source Web of Science). I have published a total of 14 peer-reviewed articles in journals (11) and conference proceedings (3). I am the first author of 6 of these articles.
My achievements, awards
- PI of the Junior Grand project awarded by UCT Prague, Czechia -2022 (budget 220,000.00 CZK)
- PI of the project awarded by Internal Grant Agency, Czechia (budget 100,000.00CZK)
- Erasmus + fellowship-2018 (budget of 2.500 €)
- Free Movers Fellowships-2017 (budget of 46.000 CZK)
- Erasmus + fellowship-2017 (budget of 2.400 €)
- Best presentation awarded at 22nd EEICT Conference, BUT, Czechia
Scientific specialization & research interest at UCT
Development of porous carbon-based catalysts using green synthesis approaches for electro-catalytical applications ( ORR, CO2 reactions).
Type of collaborations I am looking for
Academic and industrial applications in the areas of materials science, nanotechnology, and electrochemistry.
Past Research Fellows Events