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The 10th Anniversary of a Prestigious Summer School Focused on Drug Development begins in Prague

LŠ (zleva prof. Pospíšil, rektor VŠCHT, prof. Honys, AV ČR, prof. Konvalinka ÚOCHB, prof. Fusek IOCB Tech, velvyslankyně Izraele Anna Azari)

Prague, September 2, 2024 – How can we accelerate the search for new drugs and bring discoveries in this field to market? These critical questions are addressed for the tenth time at the Prague-Weizmann Summer School on Advances in Drug Discovery. This event connects young scientists with leading experts from global pharmaceutical companies and academia, uniting all key parts of the chain that leads to essential medicines. The event, which has gained international recognition over the past decade, is organized by the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IOCB), the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (UCT), and Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science.

"I’m very pleased that the summer school is returning to Prague. This fantastic example of Czech-Israeli cooperation will for the tenth time bring together the brightest minds to generate ideas that could improve the lives of millions. Such a mission cannot be undertaken 'half-heartedly.' It requires passion. It was Franz Kafka who said: ‘By passionately believing in something that still does not exist, we create it.’ I hope that this summer school will be a source of great passion and boundless creativity,“ says Israeli Ambassador Anna Azari.

This year, the summer school welcomes more than a hundred PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from over twenty countries. Attendees have the opportunity to learn about the latest trends in drug development, from basic research to clinical applications. The program features over thirty lectures and workshops led by experts from prestigious research institutions, including Cardiff and Cambridge Universities, the Max Planck Institute, the Weizmann Institute, and the Czech Republic's IOCB and UCT Prague. Representatives from major pharmaceutical companies, such as Bristol-Myers Squibb and others, will also participate.

"The summer school offers young scientists a unique opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the pharmaceutical industry and to meet its key figures. In addition to gaining practical experience, they will also be exposed to cutting-edge science, thanks to experts from both chemistry and biology. This mix is essential for success in this challenging field,“ explains Professor Martin Fusek, the founder of the summer school.

The Prague-Weizmann Summer School is also a product of successful collaboration between Czech and Israeli scientific institutions. It alternates between the two countries, emphasizing the international scope of the event. The partnership with the Weizmann Institute, one of the world’s top research institutions, enables the connection between basic and applied research as well as the pharmaceutical industry.

"The collaboration between IOCB and the prestigious Weizmann Institute is an example of ideal cooperation, supporting the transfer of scientific research into practice. We believe that such initiatives are key to accelerating the development of new drugs and improving the lives of patients worldwide,“ comments Professor Jan Konvalinka, Director of IOCB.

"We are proud of the program we have put together with our partners. The names of the speakers and the institutions they represent speak for themselves,“ adds Professor Milan Pospíšil, Rector of UCT Prague.

The idea of organizing a summer school focused on drug development was conceived in 2014, when only about forty participants attended. Over the years, the event has gained international prestige. Its focus and results fit perfectly into IOCB's long-term strategy, which is based on three pillars: supporting excellent science and its application, nurturing the next generation, and fostering international collaboration.

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Media Contact:
Martin Opatrný
+420 602 252 405


The University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (UCT Prague) is a natural center of study and cutting-edge research. One of the largest educational and research institutions in Central Europe, it specializes in technical chemistry, chemical and biochemical technologies, material and chemical engineering, food chemistry, and environmental studies. Remarkably, of the more than 4,000 students at the school, 700 are enrolled in PhD programs on average. Some of the study programs on offer at UCT are unique in the Czech Republic and are key to the future of the entire country. The school collaborates with more than 100 academic institutions, namely within Europe but also in the USA, Canada, Japan, Vietnam, and elsewhere.

Updated: 2.9.2024 19:48, Author: Jan Kříž


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