Dr. Martin Pumera, head of the excellence centre for Advanced Functional Nanorobots at UCT Prague was highly ranked as a Global Highly Cited Researcher for 2018. Other Czech colleagues who joined this elite contingent included Pavel Hobza from the Czech Academy of Sciences’ Institute for Biochemistry and Chemistry and Prof. Radek Zbořil from Palacký University Olomouc.
From across twenty-one disciplines, ten Czech scientists ranked among more than 4,000 of the world’s most cited scholars according to Clarivate Analytics (US) using Web of Science data. 2,639 Americans, 546 British, and 482 Chinese scholars were also included in these rankings.
“I am highly appreciative of the long-term efforts of the entire team and all students and postdocs who worked with me. The Highly Cited Researcher ranking is based on hard data and illustrates how our work is of great interest to the scientific community,” said Marin Pumera.
Dr. Pumera was included in the 2017 rankings, but his primary affiliation at that time was Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. But this year, his affiliation is the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague as head of the Advanced Functional Nanorobots centre (Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of Inorganic Chemistry).
Pumera’s team, as the name of the centre suggests, conducts research related to chemical nanorobots. In the future, they hope to implement nanorobots in biomedical and environmental settings.
Global Highly Cited Researchers
Advanced Functional Nanorobots centre
Hydepark TV interview with Martin Pumera
For more information please contact:
Michal Janovský,
Phone line: +420 220 444 159
Cell phone: +420 733 690 543