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Design of Modern Wastewater Treatment Plants


EWA Innovation Workshop will take place at UCT Prague in April 2019

A new type of EWA (European Water Association) workshops will be organized with different topics and in different EWA member countries. The workshops will be usually held back-to-back with other EWA activities like the Executive Directors meeting in this case.

The April 2019 workshop at UCT Prague will be devoted to modern wastewater treatment plants. That’s also why EWA chose Prague as the venue of the workshop because the City of Prague started in September 2018 a trial operation of new “water line” of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant. This new line is exploiting several processes and operations which are still not common in large wastewater treatment plants, e.g., chemically enhanced primary treatment, cascade D-N activated sludge process with in-situ bioaugmentation of nitrification bacteria or tertiary phosphorus precipitation. The design and construction of the plant had to deal with the requirement of the city to protect the new plant from floods comparable to the historical disastrous flood in 2002. This new facility will help the city to meet the effluent limits according to the 91/271/EEC directive on one side and on the other side it will enable the reconstruction and upgrade of the existing Central Wastewater Treatment Plant built in the 1960s.

Besides listening to the lectures on the Prague project and on newest trends and challenges in wastewater treatment plant design the workshop participants will have the chance to see the technology of the New Water Line completely hidden in a concrete containment.


Thursday, 25th April 2019

16.30 Presentation of the Czech Water Association and the current situation in wastewater treatment in the Czech Republic - Jiří Wanner, UCT Prague, CZ

17.30 transportation to the historical city centre by underground

18.00 guided walk through the Old Town of Prague and dinner (self-paying arrangement)

Friday, 26th April 2019

9.00 - 13.00 

  • workshop Design of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants Dr.-Ing. Inka Hobus, Wupperverbandsgesellschaft für integrale Wasserwirtschaft mbH
  • Objectives of the Complete Reconstruction and Extension of Central WWTP in Prague Miroslav Kos, SMP Prague, CZ
  • Specific highlights of the construction of the New WWTP Prague: organization, financing, construction supervision Jakub Kovařík and Jiří Rosický, PVS Prague and Jiří Bažata, SMP Prague, CZ

10.30 Coffee/tea Break

  • Role of mathematical modeling in the design of large WWTPs Libor Novák, aqua4you, Ústí nad Labem, CZ
  • Activated sludge process used in the New WWTP Prague Jiří Wanner, UCT Prague, CZ
  • New challenges, Micropollutants and Microplastics Ass. Prof. Dr. Norbert Kreuzinger, TU Vienna, AUT

12.30 Lunch buffet

13.00 Bus transfer to Prague Central WWTP

13.30 Technical excursion

16.00 Bus transfer to the nearest underground station „Dejvická“

Social Programme

17:00 Visit Strahov Library

19:00 Dinner

Updated: 4.12.2018 13:59, Author: Jan Kříž


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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