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Organisational structure of UCT Prague

The University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (UCT Prague) is a Czech public university with self-governing powers, academic freedoms and rights determined by the Higher Education Act and specified in the Statute of UCT Prague.

The organisational structure is based on the internal standard Organisational Rules of UCT Prague (see list of internal standards).

UCT Prague consists of four faculties and several other departments.

Faculty of Chemical Technology

101 Department of Inorganic Chemistry
105 Department of Inorganic Technology
106 Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering
107 Department of Glass and Ceramics
108 Department of Solid State Chemistry
110 Department of Organic Chemistry
111 Department of Organic Technology
112 Department of Polymers
126 Department of Solid State Engineering
141 Laboratory of Inorganic Materials
143 Department of Informatics and Chemistry
148 Department of Chemical Technology of Monument Conservation
150 Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Chemical Technology

Faculty of Environmental Technology

217 Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering
218 Department of Power Engineering
228 Department of Sustainable Fuels and Green Chemistry (replacing 215 and 216)
240 Department of Environmental Chemistry
241 Department of Sustainability and Product Ecology
251 Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Enviromental Technology


Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology

319 Department of Biotechnology
320 Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
321 Department of Carbohydrates and Cereals
322 Department of Dairy, Fat and Cosmetics 
323 Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition
324 Department of Food Preservation
342 Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds
352 Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology

Faculty of Chemical Engineering

402 Department of Analytical Chemistry
403 Department of Physical Chemistry
409 Department of Chemical Engineering
444 Department of Physics and Measurements
446 Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Cybernetics (replacing 413 and 445)
453 Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering


University Research and Education Centres

504 University Centre Litvínov UCT Prague – FME CTU – ORLEN Unipetrol
513 Branch of the National Competence Centre of Mechatronics and Smart Technologies for Mechanical Engineering 2
514 Branch of the National Competence Centre for Industrial 3D Printing
515 Branch of the National Competence Centre for Energy II
516 Branch of the National Competence Centre of Biorefining and Circular Economy for Sustainability
517 Branch of the National Competence Centre for Personalized Medicine: Translational Research to Biomedical Applications
518 Branch of the National Competence Centre of REcombinant TEchnology for MEDicine
519 Branch of the National Competence Centre for Polymeric Materials and Technologies for the 21st Century
540 Department of Medicinal Chemistry
550 Department of the National Institute of Virology and Bacteriology (NIVB) 
554 Department for the History of the Chemical Industry and Applied Chemistry
558 Metrology and Testing Laboratory
559 Prague University Analytical Center
560 Forensic Laboratory of Biologically Active Substances (BAFA)
570 Technopark Kralupy of UCT Prague

The Administration of University Facilities

712 Director's Office
713 Finance Department
721 Operating Department
723 Sázava Dormitory
724 Volha Dormitory
731 Technical Department
747 Conference Centre
748 Recreation Facility Jáchymov 
749 Recreation Facility Pec pod Sněžkou 
755 Canteen Volha
756 Carbon Student Club
757 Dining Room Zikova
758 Campground Běstvina

Central University Departments

827 Department of Physical Education and Sport
832 Department of Chemical Education and Humanities
834 Department of Languages
837 School of Business

Rector's Offices

929 General Practitioner
930 Childcare Centre (Zkumavka)
936 Department of Quality Assessment
938 Internal Audit Department
939 Department of Supervision
940 Counselling and Career Centre
953 Department of Lifelong Learning
955 Project Centre
961 Rector's Secretariat
962 Bursar's Secretariat
963 Department of Education
965 Research and Technology Transfer Office
966 Personnel Department
968 Records Office 
969 Supplies Department
971 Finance Department
972 Department of Safety and Risk Prevention
974 Department of International Relations
976 Department of Construction and Maintenance
977 Department of Building Administration
979 Department of Communication
980 Central Laboratories
990 Computer Centre
991 Department of Strategic Planning
992 Hollow Glass Workrooms
995 Department of Operation and Technical Services
996 Public Procurement Department
997 Centre for Information Services (UCT Library, UCT Press)
998 Vice-Rector without Portfolio's Office

Updated: 21.2.2025 01:06, Author: Jan Kříž


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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