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Internal Regulations

The English version of the Internal regulations (Czech term "vnitřní předpisy") of the UCT. The list does not contain all internal regulations. Some are available only in the Czech version.

Although we have made our best effort to translate the documents, only the Czech version of the documents are legally binding.

All Internal regulations in original Czech version.


Updated: 7.7.2023 09:39, Author: Jan Kříž

Rules of Lifelong Learning at UCT Prague18.09.2017
Rules of Habilitation Procedures and Procedures for Appointment of Professors at the UCT Prague11.10.2018
Statute of Technopark Kralupy nad Vltavou of the UCT11.07.2017
Statute of the UCT31.03.2017
Study and Examination Rules of the UCT15.06.2022
Study Conditions for Foreigners Studying at the UCT11.09.2017
Conditions of Admission to Study and Admission Proceedings at the UCT11.09.2017
Scholarship Rules of the UCT11.06.2017
Code of Discipline for Students of the UCT22.05.2017
Internal salary regulation01.03.2007


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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