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Electronic voting - information for external users

To ensure secret voting during online or hybrid sessions, UCT has its own web application at (hlasovani = voting). Login to the application is done via Czech academic identity federation Employees and students of UCT use the standard procedure to login, namely finding the UCT institution and filling in their own login details. However, access for people outside UCT must be secured and granted manually first.

Firstly, if you have ever used the application, it is very much possible that the access is still valid, or can be easily renewed. If so, please tell your contact that you have this experience (they might not be aware). 

Since the federation is for Czech institutions only, there is little hope that you have an active account in any of them. Most of the institutions are on the level of universities, hospitals or libraries; however, there is at least one which can be freely registered into: MojeID. 

The MojeID (My ID) service exists to provide a unified online identificator for communication with the government. For that, many layers of verifications are in place. Fortunatelly, the lowest level of verification, which requires only an email and SMS validation, does not verify anything, so it can be exploited for our purpose.

MojeID registration

For registration, please visit and follow the procedure. Note that the registration is completed sooner than you might think - see information bellow.

  1. Fill in the MojeID registration form (untruthfully, if you wish)
  2. Verify your email
  3. Verify the phone number (at least most of Europe has been tested and works)

    Verification SMS:
  4. Create password

At this point, MojeID offers two-factor authentication, but neither this, nor any other following security/verification measures are necessary; the account is now created.

Now we need to find the username created by the service. To do so, visit the personal information page from the top menu. On the "Personal data" tab there is the username, which we need you to send back to your contact (cc:, the system administrator, if you are really in a hurry).

Login to

Once the access has been granted to you, you can use the service to log into our server. 

  1. Visit the webpage,
  2. Look up the mojeID service in the list of institutions (note the search bar on the top)
  3. Fill in your login informations. You might still be logged in from the registration.
  4. Grant permission to send data

Now you should be inside our voting system. If anything went wrong, do not hesitate to contact either your UCT contact, or the administrator directly at

If the access has not been granted to you yet, you should receive an error message, which conveniently also contains the username, providing you with an alternative way of finding out your username.

Updated: 12.3.2025 11:59, Author: Lukáš Mrazík


UCT Prague
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166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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