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Student election at FCT - 2021

For information in Czech switch to Czech election webpage.


You can vote from Monday 29th of November until the Thursday 2nd of December electronically on In the case of problem with login, please contact IT center.

I am a bachelor's or master's student

  • I vote together with doctoral students 1  mandate into the university senate
  • I vote 1 mandate into the faculty senate

I am a doctoral student

  • I vote together with bachelor's and master's students 1 mandate into the university senate
  • I vote 1 mandate into the faculty senate


Lists of candidates

University senate

FCT senate, bachelor's and Master's electoral group

FCT senate, doctoral electoral group


Election profiles

Candidates are listed alphabetically

Fabiánová SilvieFabianová Silvie

I run for: faculty senate for BSc. and MSc. students
I study: 1st year of MSc. – Sectoral Management, Synthesis and Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals

Who am I?

Ahoj! Jsem Silvuš a studuju první ročník magisterského studia obor Výroba léčiv. Když zrovna "nevyrábím" léčiva, tak se věnuju kruhovému tutoringu a studentskému spolku IAESTE, kde jsem se účastnila organizace veletrhu Chem-iK. Ve volném čase ráda hraju deskové hry, objevuju taje asijské kuchyně a zajímám se o módu a kosmetiku.

Why should you vote for me?

Rozhodla jsem se kandidovat, jelikož ráda zlepšuju a posouvám věci okolo sebe. Zajímá mě dění ve škole, do kterého jsem už měla možnost nahlédnout v rámci IAESTE. Chtěla bych dostat do povědomí studentů různé možnosti jejich budoucího uplatnění a s tím související významnost soft skills. Není to ovšem jediná věc, kterou bych ze své pozice prosazovala. Chtěla bych být hlavně zástupcem studentů a se zápalem prosazovat i vaše nápady.

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Hala MiroslavHala Miroslav

I run for: university senate
I study: 1st year of MSc. – Chemistry and Chemical Technologies

Who am I?

My name is Mira Hala. I started my first year of doctorate studies at the Department of inorganic technology. I am currently the vice-chair of the academic senate.

I did not know what to write to introduce myself two years ago. I had been a leader at freshman orientation, had a few friends from academic senates, had an interest in politics, and liked to help people. I had no idea know what to expect. Now I know. I gathered experience in the first year, became a vice-chair in the second, and started to lead the student chamber. There are a few successful projects behind me, the most recent being „První akademická“ after freshman matriculation.

Why should you vote for me?

With my colleagues, we have earned respect from the university management allowing us to promote student interests. Together with Mariana Hanková, we have a strong position at the Students chamber of the council of HEIs. This institution solves nationwide education problems, communicates and advises the ministry, and is a great source of inspiration and examples of good practice.

Some problems can be solved with one meeting, some, as is the conception of doctorate studies or duplication of subjects at pregraduate levels, are deep in the university system and the whole education.

We work to make communication with the student body, faculty senates, and student organizations better. I wish the number of woman senators would increase. They would lead by example and inspire, not only at the university, and could create an environment for future generations. My big ambition is to appoint an ombudsman to help solve conflicts between academics and students. Integration of a career and motivation subject to our curriculums would help to improve our education. I would appreciate your vote and promise you I will represent you proudly.

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Havlíková PetraHavlíková Petra

I run for: faculty senate for BSc. and MSc. students
I study: 2nd year of MSc. – Chemistry and Technology of Materials

Who am I?

My name is Petra Havlíková and I study Biomaterials at The Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering. I am member of Tutors for two years. Part of my work is being coordinator of project Kruhový tutoring where I was as one of founding members. My avocation is travelling and discovering of new places. From many places I bring several tourist stamps.

Why should you vote for me?

Our school really grew on my heart and I would like to help in its development. Participation on annual meeting of K3S convinced me, that there is always something to be improved. At this time there is 54 % of female students, but their reprersentation in senate is only 2 from 8 senators. In my opinion this percentage should be reflected in the senate composition. I would like to be one of the women voices in the senate.

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Hříbalová SoňaHříbalová Soňa

I run for: faculty senate for doctoral students
I study: 3rd year of Ph.D. – Chemistry and Technology of Materials

Who am I?

I am a 3rd-year doctoral student at the Department of Glass and Ceramics, and this is my eighth year at UCT Prague. I have spent almost 2 years in the Academic Senate of FCT and during that time, I have been representing the student section as its vice-chairman. Another position where I am representing students of our university is the Ethics Committee of UCT Prague. Many of you already know me from the seminars „Are you considering doing a PhD?“ and „PhD Freshmen?“ I am co-organizing every year with my colleagues.

In my doctoral studies, I deal with several topics: light scattering in transparent ceramics, property predictions of piezoelectric ceramics, and, generally said, property predictions of heterogeneous materials and metamaterials.

Why should you vote for me?

During the past two years, I have been engaged with topics regarding doctoral studies. The covid-related as well as long-term topics – improving the awareness of doctoral students about study obligations, their rating, and financing. Moreover, I have focused on issues regarding international students. For example, we started organizing seminars about doctoral studies in English.

Soon, the topic of doctoral studies will have to be opened on a larger scale due to the expected changes in the law. I would like to look into the causes of bad experiences with doctoral studies and their unsuccessful completion. Because this topic contains everything that has to be addressed – the awareness about doctoral studies and the obligations, financing, pedagogics, education, and much more. I have already dealt with all of these topics and contributed to improving the current situation and I plan to deal with this in the future as well – in the senate and/or outside the senate.

If you decide to support me and elect me as your representative, then (in the same way as up until now), I will take care of all the issues you contact me with and I will represent you in the senate to my best abilities.

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CutiLe Tuan Anh

I run for: university senate and faculty senate for doctoral students
I study: 1st year of Ph.D. – Chemistry and Chemical Technologies

Who am I?

They call me Cuti and I am a study group tutor (for 3 study groups), member of Tutors (coordinator of the e-mail response team), founder/manager/choreographer of the Streetdance section of the Department of Physical Education and Sport of UCT Prague, member of 4students, member of UCT Gaming, PhD. student/colleague at the Department of Organic Technology (111), popularizer of our university, „integrator“ (projects for Tutors and other projects for integrating students), a fan of our university orchestra, recreational tennis player, basketball player, floorball player, archer, dancer, chess player (shout out to the UCT Chess Club!), an older brother, son, boyfriend and a friend. ^^ :3 And a senate candidate now aswell!

PS: the list is NOT sorted by the importance of those functions and activities ;)

Why should you vote for me?

Due to all of my activities I get to interact not only with students at all levels of study but with the staff and employees of the university aswell. In the last 2 years as a Tutor I was able to bring those two worlds closer together, find an acceptable solution for both sides to a few problems or effectively explain the views of one side to another. I would love to continue in the same manner as a senator. The way Tutors and senate operate are very different but I am confident that I can apply my organizational, communication and management skills at the senate level aswell, where I would like to focus on the before mentioned communication between all the entities, e.g. faculty senate-academic senate, students-employees, senate-rest of academic community… Other topics/projects I would like to focus on are: quality of the education (for example the SIS survey), ERD, digitization, classes in English.

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Priškin JonášPriškin Jonáš

I run for: university senate
I study: 3rd year of BSc. – Chemistry of Biomaterials for medical applications

Who am I?

Hi, I am currently attending third grade at Faculty of Chemical Technology. My field of study are polymers, more precisely in medicinal use. In free time, I sometimes climb, go on HMCH (modern lessons of chemistry) and I am tutoring group 107. We might seen each other in lab, at School Labyrint run (I was taking pictures) or at mock Maths A exam.

Why should you vote for me?

I am always looking for any optimisations, maybe due to my laziness. Every opportunity is interesting for me. I am active at school popularisation events and listening to others and solving their troubles a joy for me. The inside run of our school is the next dimension projected in our studies. For ideas for improvements and issues gathered in the past years (consistency about subjects, chaotic e-learning, sorting of our sylabus) I hope to gather a better point of view. Things are difficult, but there is always a way 🥳

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Tsepeleva AlisaTsepeleva Alisa

I run for: faculty senate for doctoral students
I study: 2nd year of Ph.D. – Chemistry and Technology of Materials

Who am I?

Russian girl in Prague – how Sting could sing. Within the specialization Metallurgy, I’m studying methods of preparation of new alloys based on aluminum and manganese – metals historically widely used in industry: from the skeleton of the first airships Graf Zeppelin to the modern spaceships and tins of barley drink that you take with friends after lectures. Thanks to working at the IPP CAS within my diploma thesis, I have learned to see primarily a man behind every expert, with whom it is possible or impossible to negotiate. In my spare time, I focus on books, where I always find smarter and more experienced people than I am.

Why should you vote for me?

If you have been trying, like Kafka's surveyor, to get to the Castle, whether with administrative documents, study problems or just a new idea, but no one hears you, let`s knock on the gate together. Life is far from rosy and your problems may remain unresolved, but no one prevents us from increasing the entropy around your situation and thus increasing the probability of a positive result for you, even if your assistant will speak with Russian accent =).

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Vacek CyrilVacek Cyril

I run for: faculty senate for BSc. and MSc. students
I study: 3rd year of BSc. – Chemistry and Technology of Materials

Who am I?

I am a student but I have a feeling that I had been robbed of something that being a student meant to me. Now I am trying my best to catch it up. I am trying to surround myself with friends I feel great being around and visit as many cafes as one person possibly can. I am an idealist and I trust in optimal and conceptual solutions and I am trying to find them over skepticism of skepticist. That is also probably the reason why I have decided to candidate.

Why should you vote for me?

My desire to take an active part in university development has accumulated and I think that faculty senate is a great place where I can transform this desire into something beneficial. My friends and I started to participate in communal politics in our hometown Železný Brod couple of years ago due to the mentioned idealism and I think that as a representative i have gained some experiences I could use. We live in a time of rapid development of technologies which inevitably permeate into education. I think that students are obligated to inform university about possibilities of aplication of these technologies in teaching and administration. Time has shown that a lot of tools implemented rapidly during pandemic are great and useable during face to face teaching also. It is our job to unify and refurbish those tools now. For example in this I see a huge potential of faculty senate.

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Updated: 29.11.2021 17:19, Author: Jaromír Valtr


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