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Student election at FCE

I am a bachelor's or master's student

  • I vote together with doctoral students 1  mandate into the university senate
  • I vote 1 mandate into the faculty senate

I am a doctoral student

  • I vote together with bachelor's and master's students 1 mandate into the university senate
  • I vote 1 mandate into the faculty senate


Lists of candidates

University senate

FCE senate, bachelor's and Master's electoral group

FCE senate, doctoral electoral group


Election profiles

Candidates are listed alphabetically

Adjar David Van Gelder, BSc.

 ◳ adjar (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: university senate and faculty senate for BSc. and MSc. students
I study: 2nd year of MSc. - study program Engineering and Technology

Who am I?

My name is David Van Gelder Adjar, a master student at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering from Ghana. I enjoy football, sitting outside with friends and travelling. I have been a student at VSCHT for 5.5 years and in that time, I have seen and learnt a lot. I am passionate about reform and want to see students put at the fore front of decisions. I am open minded, focused, a fighter and a firm believer that consensus works. I am ready to work to make UCT much better place for all students both in foreign study and Czech study. My philosophy is that, as far as I can help or in the position to help, I will and this is why I am running for academic senate.

Why should you vote for me?

As an international student with long standing experience in our university, i bring on board a unique perspective to matters concercning students. Indeed as someone who has had to do a lot of fighting to be heard in UCT, you can bet that i will fight as hard to represent your interests.

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Ladislavová Nikola, MSc.

 ◳ ladislavova (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: faculty senate for doctoral students 
I study: 5th year of doctora Ph.D. - study program Chemistry

Who am I?

I am administrator of facebook page Doktorandi VŠCHT Praha (feel free to join us!) and I candidate for the 4th year in our faculty senat. I study at the Department of analytical chemistry where I administrate english version of departments websites. And I try to keep e-doktorand system working through my annoying feedbacks.

Why should you vote for me?

Arguments like I support english-speaking student (translating materials, website etc.) are a bit senseless, becouse I believe every candidate to our senate actually does. My main goal is to enhance our (PhD students) position through the model of guaranteed grant half-employment of PhD student at departments. 

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Lee Yejune

 ◳ lee (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: university senate for BSc. and MSc. students 
I study: 2nd year of BSc. - study program Analytic chemistry

Who am I?

I was born in Seoul. When I was 6 y.o. I moved to the ČR. I didn't know anyone, and I didn't speak Czech at all. In fact, my life at that time was quite like today's situation. When I was lost, my science teacher was who has saved me. Based on his advice, I studied at Křemencárna, where my class teacher guided me to the path of analytical chemistry. That’s why I'm here at the UCT Prague now.

Why should you vote for me?

Based on my story, I will explain why you should vote for me.

  • I am Korean. (I will do the job quickly and responsibly.)
  • I am happy to offer support.
  • I can empathize with the role of a foreigner.
  • I am formal.
  • I am purposeful. (i.e. If I want to do something, I will do it right away.)
  • I can solve unpleasant situations (e.g. adapting to new life in the Czech Republic).
  • Hardworking type - I quote T. A. Edison: "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."
  • I like what I do. = I do it because I like it. - For me, this equation holds.

I admit. I have never been a senator and I also do not know what will be expected of me. But I can assure you that I will do my best to make your vote count.

In the end, I’d like to state my motto: "I will make it happen. Perfectly."

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Otta Jaroslav, MSc.

 ◳ otta (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: faculty senate for Ph.D. students 
I study: 3rd year of doctora Ph.D.  - study program Technical cybernetics

Who am I?

I am a positive person and I try to spread positivity around me. I appreciate the most sincere and honest people. Therefore, UCT is so important to me, because I have met many such people here who have become my friends. I am trying my best to become a better version of myself. I like to experience new things. My hobbies are sports, music, video, travelling, flying drones and much more.

Why should you vote for me?

I like to face new challenges, gain new skills and experience. My most valuable qualities are patience, sincerity, determination and perseverance. These qualities are, in my opinion, crucial for a senator. I like discussion and with strong arguments, I am not afraid to reconsider my opinion. I know that your vote put your trust in me. I will try to speak with you as much as possible and listen to your ideas and complains. I spend a lot of time at the UCT and I care which direction we go. I want to support student associations. I believe that the current situation gives us an amazing opportunity to change and improve many neglected things, not just in the area of teaching and education.

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Staś Jakub, BSc.

 ◳ stas (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: faculty senate for BSc. and MSc. students 
I study: 1st year of MSc. - study program Chemical engineering and bioengeneering

Who am I?

I am a graduate of bachelor study program Chemistry and now I am a student of master study program Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering. I am a member of international student organization IAESTE, where I was last year Board member of our Local Committee, improvisation group Chempro and I try to be active also in K3S.

Why should you vote for me?

Thanks to K3S, I have a chance to see the functioning of our school under the hood and I have always enjoyed being part of the changes, not just watching them idly. I have always appreciated her family atmosphere and openness to students at the ICT, so I think we can change things for the better. I would like to work to simplify trips abroad and continue with the things that my predecessors started. I have always been very communicative and tried to listen to the opinions of others. I believe that these qualities are very useful, both in discussions within the Senate and in finding problems that other students face.

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Šálek Vojtěch, MSc.

 ◳ salek (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: university senate and faculty senate for Ph.D. students  
 study: 3rd year of Ph.D. - study program Chemical engineering

Who am I?

I am a Tutor, faculty senate member, and a member of K3S (active student union). I have been involved in the popularization of UCT and in the integration of new students (Gaudeamus fairs, coorganization of UCT open day, freshman adaptation courses, freshman tutoring, and other tutor or K3S activities) for many years. Recently, I focus myself on the (mainly technical) support of distance education.

Why should you vote for me?

Because I have the desire to responsibly and actively use the role of senator to promote starting projects/visions and to improve the cooperation between students and employees. The ideal time has come (3rd Ph.D. year) to offer my experience from the faculty senate and from many student projects mentioned above. In short, I would like to continue my previous activities and participate constructively in the development of life at the UCT. I would like to focus on improving interfaculty cooperation and making use of hard-earned distance learning experience, which I am very close to thanks to the technical support role. Other topics eg: availability and quality of electronic study resources, Ph.D. students preparation for the first teaching, a low number of final theses written in English. 

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Vasilopoulos Ioannis, MSc.

 ◳ vasilopoulos (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: university senate
study: 4th year of Ph.D. - program Chemical Engineering

Who am I?

I am Ioannis (Yannis) Vasilopoulos, a PhD candidate of Chemical Engineering specializing in molecular modelling of pharmaceutical compounds. This year, I am finishing my doctorate degree and I think it is time for me to offer also something to the community before my graduation. Primarily, if I had the power I would change the regulation regarding the state exams and credit system regarding the PhD studies. 

Why should you vote for me?

I have worked in 4 different institutions throughout Europe (Greece, Czech Republic, United Kingdom). This experience helped enabled me to understand our University's benefits and drawbacks and compared them with other top institutions aiming to get inspired and benefiting our institution eventually. You should vote for me because I need your support to discuss potential changes necessary for our PhD community with the people in charge, mainly regarding the regulation regarding the state exams and credit system. I also observe that the international community grows at UCT and they need a representative to channel their concerns for a better university life of all. 

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Vávra František

 ◳ vavra (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I run for: university senate and faculty senate for BSc. and MSc. students  
study: 2nd year of BSc. - study program Chemistry

Who am I?

My name is František Vávra, I am 21 and I´ve been studying the programme “Chemie” for 3 years now. I am technically in the second year though, since I did my Erasmus last year and I needed to extend my study time. My international experience has inspired me to run for the academic senate of UCT Prague. In my free time, I work at the Organic chemistry department, I do sports and I play guitar.

Why should you vote for me?

If I get elected, I will promote these ideas:
Students at our university who want to study abroad currently face absurdly complicated bureaucracy and a risk of extending their study time. This must be improved. Arranging an Erasmus needs to be fully online and user-friendly.
Right now, our online teaching system is a complete anarchy. We have to use MS Teams, MS Stream, elearning, Moodle, shared disks, Youtube, emails…
The school must unite the teaching process and select, if possible, one platform for teaching and testing. 
Physical education has nothing to do with the core of our study programmes. Therefore, it should be voluntary for Bc. students. 
Bachelor programmes seriously lack practical experience. At least some form of educational excursions to the industry should be introduced.

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Updated: 30.11.2020 14:56, Author: Jan Kříž


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