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Metrological and Testing Laboratory

Who we are:

  • according to EP and Council Regulation (EC) 2017/625, Article 37, is Metrology and Testing Laboratory (MTL) designated by the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority as to carry out analyzes and examinations for the purposes of official food control. Analytical methods and their scopes are therefore fully harmonized with methods used or recognized by state supervisory authorities and meet the criteria of European legal regulations and methodological guidelines.
  • performs, among other activities, the testing of agricultural crops and products required for Global GAP certification, or for inspection and certification bodies for organic food and organic products, integrated fruit and vegetable growing systems or, for example, for proving the quality and safety of food when awarding the KLASA quality brand and others. The laboratory is also qualified for analyzes of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables according to Government Regulation No. 80/2023 on establishing the conditions for the implementation of agro-environmental-climatic measures.
  • it has a unique professional and technical background and the strong institutional support of a prestigious university, so it is able to provide consultancy far beyond the scope of its own testing (analytical) activities.
  • cooperates systematically with other testing laboratories of University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (e.g. for microbiology, genetics or sensory analysis) and with the national reference laboratories in the given field of testing. MTL's international cooperation in the development, validation and implementation of new analytical methods has been ongoing for more than 40 years and is documented by numerous publications in prestigious international scientific journals.

 What is our scope:

  • Chemical analysis of foodstuffs including beverages and food supplements, food and pharmaceutical raw materials and products, feedstuffs, chemical preparations, biological materials of human, animal and plant origin, environmental and forensic samples including addictive drugs.
  • Development and implementation of novel analytical methods for control of emerging contaminants, non-target screening strategies, including metabolomic fingerprinting / profiling.
  • Research and analysis of natural biologically active compounds and natural toxicants.
  • Consultancy, workshops and training courses. 


Prof. Ing. Jana Hajšlová, CSc., head of the Metrological and Testing Laboratory UCT Prague is an expert in analysis of food and environmental contaminants, toxicants and biologically active compounds. She is a member of the EU Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks, SCENIHR (Health & Consumer Protection DG) and member of International Editorial Board – Journal of Food Additives and Contaminants. As the chairwomen, she had a key input in organizing a series of reputable international symposia „Recent Advances in Food Analysis“ in 2003 - 2022.

Prof. Ing. Vladimír Kocourek, CSc. has a responsibility for the quality management system and internal audit of the accredited laboratory and is focused on the environmental pollutants in food chain, analysis of food contaminants and residues of pesticides. He is an expert in quality management in laboratory control and food production as well as the EU food legislation (incl. the assessment of compliance).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vera Schulzova is responsible for metrology and is an expert in analysis of natural biologically active compounds.

Laboratory equipment 

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Updated: 15.5.2024 15:54, Author: Vladimír Kocourek


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VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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