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Information about the floods and teaching at UCT

16. 9. 2024

This morning, the VŠCHT management convened an extraordinary meeting once again due to the ongoing flood situation. The original measures from September 15 remain in effect, with the provision that absences from classes due to the floods can be excused retroactively, considering possible disruptions in signal and electricity.

If you are affected by the floods, please contact the deans' offices, and we will address your situation individually to find the best possible solution together.

First-year students who are unable to attend classes due to the floods can, if their circumstances permit, make use of the well-prepared e-learning materials, including audio-visual resources from the lectures.

15. 9. 2024

The UCT Prague´s management expresses its support to everyone affected by the flood events and is ready to provide financial and materiál assistance to both students and employees. Additionally, psychological support is available for all those affected through the Counselling and Career Centre and social safety contacts.

The management of the university and faculties continuously monitors and evaluates the current situation related to the floods in the country, especially in terms of the safety of students and staff as well as the provision of teaching and other activities. It can be stated that the functioning of the UCT Prague is not currently threatened or restricted in any way.

Postponement of the start of classes in the week of 16 September is not being considered at this moment. All students who will have problems to arrive in time for the start of classes in Prague due to the floods will be excused. At the same time, however, we ask all those affected to inform their respective dean's offices when they will be able to arrive at the VŠCHT for classes so that alternate laboratory or seminar classes can be arranged, if necessary. All lecturers will be encouraged to use e-learning as far as possible. We will be as accommodating as possible to all students.

We ask all students and staff to relay this information within their circle of contacts by phone or SMS to locations affected by the flooding where internet or power outages can be expected.

Updated: 16.9.2024 11:57, Author: Jan Kříž


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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