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The Prague Dejvice concept to be completed after 100 years

Prague, 19/09/2023 - Benthem Crouwel Architects (Netherlands) + OVA (Czech Republic) won an international architectural competition with their concept for completing the 4th quadrant of Vítězné náměstí, one of the most important city squares in Prague. Their concept aligns with Antonín Engel’s original urban concept for Dejvice. An investor has already signed a contract with the winning team for implementing the project.

The City of Prague; the district of Prague 6; the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague); and sponsoring company Fourth Quadrant (comprising of project investors Penta Real Estate, Sekyra Group, and the KAPRAIN Group), presented the results of the International Architectural Competition for the 4th Quadrant Vítězné náměstí, Prague, Czech Republic.

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An aerial view on completing the 4th quadrant -  team20: Benthem Crouwel Architects (NL) + OVA (ČR), source: ONplan
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Taking competition criteria into account, an international jury announced the top three concepts:

1st place: Benthem Crouwel Architects (NL) + OVA (CZ)

2nd place: Cityförster (NL) + Studio Perspektiv (CZ)

3rd place: A69 – architects (Czech Republic)

Five teams made it to the final round of the competition; other participants in the second round were MVRDV (Netherlands) and Pavel Hnilička Architects+Planners + Baumschlager Eberle Architects (Czech Republic, Germany consortium). All finalist teams presented their concepts to the jury in mid-June.

The winning team presented a concept with mixed development (housing, offices, and civic spaces). The core of its concept was a new square connected to both a new UCT Prague building and a Prague 6 cultural centre. A residential block in the eastern part of the quadrant, with a semi-private courtyard, will be the quiet section. “The winning concept presented a very convincing set of buildings. The proposal developed the individual architectural identity of the individual building programs but at the same time preserves the strong urban and architectural cohesion of the whole set in a beautiful environment made up of public and private spaces. The jury positively appreciated the location of the new Prague 6 Cultural Centre and its attractive double entrance both from Techniké Street and underground through a sunken courtyard,” says Kees Christiaanse, jury chair and ETH Zurich professor.

The jury that selected the winning proposal was made up of architects, urban planners, and landscape architects. Kees Christiaanse, British architect Alex Lifschutz and Swedish landscape architect Martin Arfalk were members. Jury Vice-Chair was Michal Kohout from the Czech Technical University in Prague’s Faculty of Architecture. Additional members included representatives of the investor, UCT Prague Prague, Prague 6, the City of Prague, and IPR Prague. The Czech Chamber of Architects audited the competition.

“We very much welcome the completion of Antonín Engel's original urban plans with the creation of a quality urban environment. The new buildings will create a well-functioning public space in the 4th quadrant and will respond to ongoing and future climate changes. We believe that in the foreseeable future, we will also see a revitalization of Vítězné náměstí in the spirit of the winning design. An important change in the spatial plan necessary for project implementation is currently underway, which, in addition to public spaces, also updates transportation flow and green spaces,” says IPR Praha Director Ondřej Boháč.

“It was crucial to find an urban and architectural composition which would fit seamlessly in Antonin Engel’s 100-year old masterplan while adding a contemporary, new time-layer to the varying public spaces of Prague 6. We managed to open-up the strict geometry of building blocks while keeping its cornerstones and integrate a human-scaled public square, activated by a Culture Centre, the UCT building, food court, restaurants and retail. The collaboration with OVA, our Czech partner was exceptionally positive. The diverse backgrounds of our Czech and Dutch teams brought a range of perspectives and approaches to the project. This fusion of local insight and international expertise led to more comprehensive and innovative solutions, enhancing the overall quality and effectiveness of the design,” says Pascal Cornips, Benthem Crouwel Architects.

Benthem Crouwel Architects (Netherlands) was founded in 1979 by architects Jan Benthem and Mels Crouwel. Successful projects include the iconic Amsterdam City Museum, Rotterdam’s Central Station, and the Ziggo Dome stadium in Amsterdam. In the Czech Republic, the studio won the competition for the new Brno train station in 2021. Their partner in Prague, OVA, was founded by Jiří Opočenský and Štěpán Valouch in 2007. OVA won the main award presented as part of the 2020 Czech Architecture Prize for the new Lasvit company headquarters in Nové Bor. OVA also was nominated for an EUmiesaward for the Spolkové dom in Slavonice and it created the architectural solution for the footbridges connecting UCT Prague’s Buildings A and B. The future UCT Prague building will be connected to the current university complex with a footbridge as well.

The competition was held to find a new, optimal, and visionary architectural/urban solution for the northwestern part of Vítězné náměstí. Contestants were challenged to design a multifunctional building with apartments, offices, shops, services, restaurants—and importantly, design a new university building for UCT Prague with classrooms and facilities for students as well as public spaces and a mini-brewery.

“The results of the competition meet UCT Prague’s ideas and expectations. The basic rules of cooperation, as part of future construction by the investor company Fourth Quadrant, were already part of the purchase agreement for the land on Vítězné náměstí. We will implement construction independently with our own organization and management. Negotiations are currently underway to specify the organization and coordination schedule for the entire project with representatives from Fourth Quadrant and Prague 6. I would also like to pay tribute to the competition organizers here. Hats off; they did an absolutely perfect job and everything went seamlessly, according to plan,” says Milan Pospíšil, UCT Prague’s Vice-Rector for Strategies and Development.

The public was also involved in the competition. During preparation for the competition, local residents and visitors had the opportunity to share their thoughts about the area and to also suggest what the new development should do. “After agreeing with the investors, we allowed the public to comment on the second-round proposals. All comments were subsequently handed over to members of the jury as one of the bases for their decisions,” says Karolína Koupalová from the ONplan planning office, which organized the competition.

All concepts from the first phase of the competition will be presented to the public at an upcoming Centre for Architecture and Urban Planning, IPR Prague exhibition from 23 October to 12 November 2023.



1st place - Benthem Crouwel Architects (NL) + OVA (ČR)

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2nd place: Cityförster (NL) + Studio Perspektiv (ČR)

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3rd place: A69 – architekti (ČR)

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Updated: 21.9.2023 15:03, Author: Jan Kříž

source: Tisková zpráva, ONplan lab

contact: Dorotea Dlesková
+420 608 694 909



UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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