Prosím čekejte...
stdClass Object
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Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČ: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Copyright VŠCHT Praha
Za informace odpovídá Oddělení komunikace

Mapa webu
Sociální sítě [paticka_budova_1_nadpis] => NÁRODNÍ TECHNICKÁ KNIHOVNA [paticka_budova_1_popis] => [paticka_budova_2_nadpis] => STUDENTSKÁ KAVÁRNA CARBON [paticka_budova_a_popis] => Rektor, Oddělení komunikace, Centrum informačních služeb [paticka_budova_b_nadpis] => BUDOVA B [paticka_budova_b_popis] => Děkanáty fakult: FCHT, FTOP, FPBT, FCHI, Pedagogické oddělení, Výpočetní centrum, Zahraniční oddělení, Kvestor [paticka_budova_c_nadpis] => BUDOVA C [paticka_budova_c_popis] => Dětský koutek Zkumavka, Praktický lékař [paticka_odkaz_mail] => [stahnout] => Stáhnout [top_login] => Přihlášení [social_fb_odkaz] => [social_fb_title] => Facebook VŠCHT Praha [social_tw_odkaz] => [social_tw_title] => Twitter VŠCHT Praha [social_yt_odkaz] => [social_yt_title] => Youtube VŠCHT Praha [drobecky] => Nacházíte se: VŠCHT Praha [logo] => logo VŠCHT [more_info] => více informací [top_search_placeholder] => hledat... [odpocet_dny] => dní [odpocet_hodiny] => hodin [odpocet_minuty] => minut [odpocet_vteriny] => vteřin [zobrazit_kalendar] => zobrazit kalendář [logo_href] => / [dokumenty_kod] => Kód [dokumenty_nazev] => Název [dokumenty_platne_od] => Platné od [dokumenty_platne_do] => Platné do [paticka_budova_2_popis] => [google_search] => 001523547858480163194:u-cbn29rzve [archiv_novinek] => Archiv novinek [submenu_novinky_rok_title] => Zobrazit novinky pro daný rok. [adresa_url] => [paticka_mapa_alt] => Kontakt [den_kratky_5] => pá [den_kratky_4] => čt [den_kratky_3] => st [den_kratky_1] => po [den_kratky_0] => ne [den_kratky_2] => út [den_kratky_6] => so [zobrazit_vice_kalendar] => více zde → [novinky_kategorie_1] => Akce VŠCHT Praha [novinky_kategorie_2] => Důležité termíny [novinky_kategorie_3] => Studentské akce [novinky_kategorie_4] => Zábava [novinky_kategorie_5] => Věda [novinky_archiv_url] => /novinky [novinky_servis_archiv_rok] => Archiv z roku [novinky_servis_nadpis] => Nastavení novinek [novinky_dalsi] => zobrazit další novinky [novinky_archiv] => Archiv novinek [intranet_odkaz] => [intranet_text] => Intranet [hledani_nadpis] => Vyhledávání [search_placeholder] => hledat [mobile_over_nadpis_menu] => Menu [mobile_over_nadpis_search] => Hledání [mobile_over_nadpis_jazyky] => Jazyky [mobile_over_nadpis_login] => Přihlášení [menu_home] => Domovská stránka [logo_mobile_href] => / [logo_mobile] => logo VŠCHT [zobraz_desktop_verzi] => zobrazit plnou verzi [zobraz_mobilni_verzi] => zobrazit responzivní verzi [paticka_mapa_odkaz] => [nepodporovany_prohlizec] => Ve Vašem prohlížeči se nemusí vše zobrazit správně. Pro lepší zážitek použijte jiný. [copyright] => [preloader] => Prosím čekejte... [hledani_nenalezeno] => Nenalezeno... [hledani_vyhledat_google] => vyhledat pomocí Google [hledani_platnost] => platnost: [hledani_platnost_do_neomezene] => neomezeně [hledani_platnost_od_veku] => od věků [novinka_publikovano] => Publikováno: [novinka_datum_konani] => Datum konáni: [social_in_odkaz] => [social_in_title] => Instagram VŠCHT Praha [social_li_odkaz] => [social_li_title] => LinkedIn VŠCHT Praha ) [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [993] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [995] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 995 [canonical_url] => // [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [996] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 996 [canonical_url] => // [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [997] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 997 [canonical_url] => // [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) ) [iduzel] => 993 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [994] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [1001] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze [seo_title] => Domovská stránka [seo_desc] => Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze, univerzita, která nabízí široké spektrum studijních oborů, týkajících se nejen chemie. [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [obrazek] => 0002~~S60oSS3KTC0yNAEA.jpg [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 1001 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /home [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_novinky [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [1011] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze [seo_title] => Škola [seo_desc] => VŠCHT Praha je prestižní vysoká škola s rodinnou atmosférou. [autor] => Oddělení komunikace [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Vítejte ve světě moderní chemie

Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze je přirozeným centrem prvotřídního vzdělávání a výzkumu v oblastech chemie a potravinářství. Patří mezi největší tuzemské instituce zaměřené na technickou chemii, chemické a biochemické technologie, materiálové a chemické inženýrství, potravinářství a výživu, životní prostředí a ekonomiku a management.


VŠCHT Praha - Výzva, která se vyplatí


[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 1011 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /skola [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [1013] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Fakulty, ústavy [seo_title] => Fakulty, ústavy [seo_desc] => Počty ústavů, studentů, absolventů a akademických pracovníků na jednotlivých fakultách. [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 1013 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /fakulty [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [71788] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Studium [seo_title] => Studium [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 71788 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /studium [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [1014] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Věda a výzkum [seo_title] => Věda a výzkum [seo_desc] => Věda a výzkum na VŠCHT Praha, kontakty, projekty, ocenění vědeckých a výzkumných výstupů. [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => oko [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

VŠCHT Praha je technickou vysokou školou univerzitního typu s hlavním zaměřením na oblast technické chemie, chemické a biochemické technologie, materiálového a chemického inženýrství, potravinářství a životního prostředí. Její moderní vybavení a rozsáhlý vědecko-výzkumný potenciál ji předurčují k výchově špičkových odborníků pro průmyslovou praxi, výzkum a vývoj i státní správu.

VŠCHT Praha je členěna na čtyři fakulty. Vyniká propojením vzdělávací činnosti s velice kvalitním výzkumem, jak základním, tak i aplikovaným. Vědecké týmy všech fakult VŠCHT Praha se intenzivně zapojují do programů národní i mezinárodní spolupráce ve vědě, výzkumu a inovacích. Jak metodickou, tak administrativní podporu vědcům při podávání projektových žádostí i během řešení projektů poskytuje Projektové centrum.

Komercializaci aplikovaného výzkumu považuje VŠCHT Praha za významnou součást svých aktivit. Proto zde funguje Oddělení pro výzkum a transfer technologií, které svou činností přispívá ke zvýšení komercializace výsledků a vyhledávání nových příležitostí spolupráce s aplikační sférou. V roce 2015 VŠCHT Praha otevřela vědecko-technický park - Technopark Kralupy, který je zaměřený na stavební chemii, materiálové inženýrství a související obory. Jeho fungování hraje v transferu znalostí na VŠCHT Praha důležitou roli.

Dále Oddělení pro výzkum a transfer technologií zprostředkovává jak vědcům, tak studentům interní granty, nabízí možnosti získání cen i účasti na soutěžích nebo zve na studentské konference.

VŠCHT Praha chce být atraktivní institucí pro mladé vědce, proto Projektové centrum aktivně podporuje uchazeče, kteří zde chtějí realizovat svůj vědecko-výzkumný projekt např. v rámci Akce Marie Skłodowska-Curie. Dále mají mladí vědci příležitost se ucházet o prestižní startovací grant - Fond Dagmar Procházkové, pomocí kterého mohou vybudovat svoji vlastní výzkumnou skupinu na VŠCHT Praha. Postdoktorandům se dostává široké podpory v rozšiřování jejich výzkumných zkušeností prostřednictvím mezinárodní mobility.

VŠCHT Praha se aktivně zapojuje do mezinárodní integrace rozšiřováním a prohlubováním spolupráce v oblasti vědecko-výzkumné i pedagogické s evropskými i mimoevropskými partnery. Základními pilíři těchto aktivit jsou vědecko-výzkumné projekty, meziuniverzitní smlouvy o spolupráci a Erasmus+ smlouvy, stejně tak jako vytváření a akreditace společných studijních programů se zahraničními univerzitami.

V rámci příprav na HR Award se VŠCHT Praha zavázala vytvářet přátelské pracovní podmínky, podporovat profesní rozvoj a uplatňovat transparentní postupy přijímání pracovníků: Zázemí pro zaměstnance spoluvytváří Personální odbor spolu s Welcome center, které podporuje zaměstnance přijíždějící ze zahraničí - počínaje podporou s vízovým procesem až po poskytnutí informací k všednímu dni v Praze. ​A aby byla atraktivní a přívětivou institucí pro všechny zaměstnance i studenty, klade VŠCHT Praha důraz na genderovou rovnost. Proto zde jako součást Plánu genderové rovnosti (Gender equality plan) vznikl akční plán, který je pro dosažení zmiňované genderové rovnosti důležitým vodítkem.

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 1014 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /veda-a-vyzkum [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [1015] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Spolupráce [seo_title] => Spolupráce [seo_desc] => Spolupráce [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

VŠCHT Praha tradičně patří k předním českým výzkumným pracovištím s intenzivní spoluprací s průmyslovou praxí. Výzkumní pracovníci z VŠCHT Praha participují na řadě výzkumných projektů financovaných z veřejných zdrojů v rámci projektů tuzemských poskytovatelů (TA ČR, MPO – TIP, MZe – NAZV, MV – Bezpečnostní výzkum, …) i z neveřejných zdrojů v rámci přímé smluvní spolupráce s podnikatelskými subjekty.

V rámci aplikovaného výzkumu je prováděn koncepční výzkum a vývoj s aktivním zapojením studentů doktorských a magisterských studijních programů. V rámci smluvního výzkumu s podnikatelskými subjekty jsou pak zpravidla řešeny aktuální technologické a analytické problémy. Výhodou je, že VŠCHT Praha je při řešení požadavků technologické praxe velmi flexibilní a je schopna rychlé reakce na vzniklou situaci. To zvyšuje její konkurenceschopnost mezi ostatními subjekty na trhu.

Na specializační výuce v rámci jednotlivých ústavů VŠCHT Praha se podílí řada významných odborníků z aplikační sféry. Jde například o odborníky z farmaceutického průmyslu, petrochemického průmyslu a z oblasti odpadového hospodářství. Odborníci působí především v navazujícím magisterském studiu.

Vědecko-výzkumná oblast má také významný nadregionální charakter, kde téměř 70 % partnerů aplikovaného výzkumu má sídlo mimo Prahu. VŠCHT Praha zaujímá v řadě především technologických oborů výsadní postavení v rámci ČR (např. technologie vody, technologie paliv, anorganické technologie, biotechnologie, potravinářské technologie).

V souladu s dlouhodobým záměrem se VŠCHT Praha aktivně zapojuje do mezinárodní integrace a rozšiřuje a prohlubuje spolupráci v oblasti vědecko-výzkumné i pedagogické s evropskými i mimoevropskými partnery. Základními pilíři těchto aktivit jsou mezinárodní vědecko-výzkumné projekty, meziuniverzitní smlouvy o spolupráci a na ERASMUS, společné studijní programy se zahraničními univerzitami. VŠCHT Praha má téměř 70 aktivních meziuniverzitních smluv o spolupráci a 130 bilaterálních smluv ERASMUS. Aktivní účast akademických pracovníků a studentů v mezinárodních projektech a programech vede k navazování nových kontaktů a rozšiřování oblastí spolupráce jak z hlediska obsahového, tak i geografického. Zájem o uzavírání nových smluv ze strany zahraničních partnerů je trvalý, ze strany VŠCHT Praha je prioritou uzavírat takové smlouvy, u kterých je předpoklad oboustranné akademické spolupráce a reciprocity studentských a vědeckých mobilit.

Neustále pokračuje úsilí zaměřené na rozšiřování možností studia na zahraničních univerzitách pro studenty VŠCHT Praha. Kromě dlouhodobých studijních pobytů byly díky rozvojovým projektům i dalším zdrojům výrazně podpořeny i krátkodobé pobyty, které umožnily studentům účastnit se intenzivních odborných kurzů, workshopů, konferencí a seminářů. 

Velká pozornost je věnována zahraničním studentům a hostujícím odborným pracovníkům.Nabídka pro zahraniční zájemce o studium se promítá do akreditace bakalářských a magisterských studijních programů vyučovaných v angličtině a k realizaci mezinárodních magisterských programů ERASMUS MUNDUS, rovněž vyučovaných v angličtině.  

Úspěšnou formou propagace VŠCHT Praha vedoucí ke zvýšení zájmu o spolupráci je pořádání mezinárodních vědeckých konferencí a seminářů přímo v prostorách školy. 

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 1015 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /spoluprace [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [39285] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Zaměstnání - kariéra na VŠCHT [seo_title] => Zaměstnání - kariéra na VŠCHT [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 39285 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /kariera [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [5161] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Veřejnost - popularizace, média [seo_title] => Veřejnost [seo_desc] => [autor] => Oddělení komunikace [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Oddělení komunikace


Michal JanovskýMgr. Michal Janovský

e 220 444 159
e 733 690 543
místnost: A205a


Vedoucí oddělení


Jan KřížMgr. Jan Kříž
e 220 443 799
místnost A318


Webová prezentace VŠCHT


Bára UhlíkováBára Uhlíková


e 220 444 443

místnost A205


Seznamovací kurzy, popularizace, veletrhy, akce školy, otevřená univerzita


Barbora StrasserováBara Strasserova



Sociální sítě


Annemarie HavlíčkováAnnemarie Havlíčková





Lumír KošařLumír Košař


Video obsah


Jana SommerováIng. Jana Sommerová


Hodiny moderní chemie


Dana Kardová (rozená Bílková)Ing. Dana Bílková


Mateřská dovolená

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 5161 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /popularizace [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [63825] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 63825 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => dokumenty [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) [46061] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 46061 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [43760] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 43760 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => dokumenty [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) [1629] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Absolventi [seo_title] => Absolventi [seo_desc] => Absolventi VŠCHT Praha; nabídka práce pro absolventy; kariérní centrum; databáze závěrečných prací; webové stránky klubu Alumni; Alumni VŠCHT Praha; [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => 0001~~c8xOTEnNzUzOrtQtzslM0i1OTsxJTQEA.jpg [ogobrazek] => 0001~~c8xOTEnNzUzOrtQtzslM0i1OTsxJTQEA.jpg [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Tento rozcestník je určen absolventům VŠCHT Praha. Zde se můžete zaregistrovat do databáze absolventů, přečíst si rozhovory z úspěšnými absolventy, projít nabídky práce, prohlédnout si obhájené práce či získat kopie svých ztracených nebo zničených dokumentů o studiu. 


Poradenské a kariérní centrum

Studentům a absolventům nabízíme poradenskou činnost, psychologickou poradnu, workshopy pro zlepšení měkkých dovedností a vybrané nabídky práce.

Alumni VŠCHT Praha

Alumni, klub absolventů VŠCHT Praha sdružuje absolventy a přátele VŠCHT Praha. Usiluje o vytvoření vzájemné komunikační platformy mezi školou, absolventy a současnými studenty. Klub nabízí setkávání absolventů a přednášky zajímavých absolventů. 

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 1629 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /absolventi [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_obrazek_vertical [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [54151] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 54151 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [511] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Kontakt [seo_title] => Kontakt [seo_desc] => Přehled kontaktů - korespondenční adresa, mapa kampusu a oficiální údaje o VŠCHT Praha [autor] => Oddělení komunikace [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 511 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /kontakt [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [5678] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Mapa stránek [seo_title] => Mapa stránek [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [iduzel] => 5678 [canonical_url] => // [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /sitemap [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => sitemap [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [10947] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Přístup odepřen (chyba 403) [seo_title] => Přístup odepřen [seo_desc] => Chyba 403 [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => zamek [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Nemáte přístup k obsahu stránky.

Zkontrolujte, zda jste v síti VŠCHT Praha, nebo se přihlaste (v pravém horním rohu stránek).

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 10947 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /[error403] [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_ikona [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [1485] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Stránka nenalezena [seo_title] => Stránka nenalezena (chyba 404) [seo_desc] => Chyba 404 [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Chyba 404

Požadovaná stránka se na webu (již) nenachází. Kontaktuje prosím webmastera a upozorněte jej na chybu.

Pokud jste změnili jazyk stránek, je možné, že požadovaná stránka v překladu neexistuje. Pro pokračování prosím klikněte na home.  


[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 1485 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /[error404] [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 994 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [519] => stdClass Object ( [nadpis] => [data] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [61411] => stdClass Object ( [nadpis] => [apiurl] => [urlwildcard] => cis-path [iduzel] => 61411 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /sis [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => api_html [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 519 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) ) [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => web [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) [api_suffix] => )


stdClass Object
    [nazev] => Science Rendezvous 2020
    [seo_title] => Science Rendezvous
    [seo_desc] => Seznamte se s předními vědeckými týmy z VŠCHT Praha a s tématy jejich výzkumu.
    [autor] => 
    [autor_email] => 
    [perex] => 

Třetí ročník přehlídky vědeckých týmů působících na VŠCHT Praha proběhl v úterý 3. listopadu 2020, tentokrát online! Svou práci představili výzkumníci zapojení v mobilitních projektech ChemFells a ChemJets.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => 0003~~K0rNS0mtKssvLVbQVShPTQKSxSVFhxfmZScCmUYGRgYA.png [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Představovaná vědecká témata

Paula Da Silva Tourinho Microplastic fibers as a vector of silver nanoparticles: adsorption mechanisms and ecotoxicity
Gabriela Ruphuy Chan  Yeast-derived Particles for Drug Delivery
Aiym Tleuova  Temperature-responsive safer formulation of fungicide
Magdalena Urbaniak  Plant secondary metabolites and microbial degradation of structurally related xenobiotics
Alexandr Zubov Discrete Element Modelling of Colloidal Suspensions
Prasad Talluri High-performance Membranes for Separation of Biofuels
Martin Janda Bacterial extracellular vesicles and their functions in plants
Eva Muchová Theoretical modelling of X-ray processes: Probe of aqueous structure


Anotace a záznamy příspěvků

Microplastic fibers as a vector of silver nanoparticles: adsorption mechanisms and ecotoxicity

Paula picture (originál)Paula Da Silva Tourinho

Plastic pollution is far and wide. All environments, from urban areas to the most isolated places, are contaminated by small plastic fragments known as microplastics. One main type of microplastic is the synthetic fibers released from textiles. These microplastic fibers are released from the washing machines in our home, reaching aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Once in the environment, microplastic fibers can adsorb other chemical pollutants, acting as a carrier for these pollutants. We aimed at investigating the adsorption of silver nanoparticles to polyester microplastic fibers and its toxic effects on aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Silver nanoparticles were chosen as the model pollutant for being vastly used in the textile industry due to its antimicrobial properties. 



Yeast-derived Particles for Drug Delivery

gabriela_chan (ořez 215*215px)Gabriela Ruphuy Chan

Yeast is one of the most commonly used ingredients in the food industry, but less commonly known is its potential use in drug delivery. The so-called yeast-derived beta glucan particles (GPs) are obtained from the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s yeast), and because they are hollow and porous microparticles, they are suitable candidates as drug carriers. The mechanisms in which yeast glucan particles can potentially improve oral bioavailability of drugs will be briefly explained and discussed.



Temperature-responsive safer formulation of fungicide

Tleuova (šířka 215px)Aiym Tleuova

To date fungicides are irreplaceable tool for combatting phytopathogenic fungi and for keeping high efficacy of agriculture. However, most of fungicides have several disadvantages, such as low water solubility, degradation under environmental impact, ecotoxicity, necessity of big amounts and repeated spraying. To solve these issues microencapsulation technique can be implemented. This allows to control and target the release, to eliminate active ingredient (AI) from aggressive environment, improve properties of AI, protect environment against toxicity of AI, etc. In this work fungicide pyraclostrobin was encapsulated to control its release via temperature change. In order to employ such temperature-responsive ability to fungicide formulation a phase change material (octadecane) was used as a core of microcapsule. Pyraclostrobin-loaded microcapsules were characterized using SEM, DLS, FTIR techniques, stimuli-responsivity was tested by means of in vitro tests with pathogenic culture (Fungal strain of Pyrenophora teres - CPPF-453) grown in Petri dishes. PyrMCs showed excellent antifungal effect above the melting point of octadecane (~28°C) and weaker effect below 28°C. Research results demonstrate a potential of temperature-responsive microencapsulated fungicide for successful utilization in agriculture.



Plant secondary metabolites and microbial degradation of structurally related xenobiotics

magdalena-U_sq (výška 215px)Magdalena Urbaniak

Rhizoremediation is one of the most effective processes of pollutants removal due to existing interactions in the rhizosphere between plant exudates, including plant secondary metabolites (PSMs), and microorganisms.

Although there is a considerable body of evidence that PSMs can cause changes in microbial community composition and stimulate microbial degradation of xenobiotics, the mechanisms of action on the molecular level (e.g. degradative gene induction) in relation to their chemical structure have not been fully understood yet. With this in mind, our aim is to acquire new knowledge on the role of PSMs in the microbial degradation of structurally related xenobiotics and in the expression level of the corresponding degradative genes.


Discrete Element Modelling of Colloidal Suspensions

zubov (ořez 215*215px)Alexandr Zubov

Discrete Element Method (DEM) is a popular method for modelling dynamics of granular media and powders materials. In this contribution we demonstrate how DEM can be utilized for prediction of complex phenomena arising in colloidal suspensions, e.g. particle coagulation, fouling, as well as estimation of suspension properties like viscosity and viscoelasticity.




High-performance Membranes for Separation of Biofuels

Prasad Talluri

 ◳ Prasad Talluri (jpg) → (šířka 215px)The transient and steady pervaporation of 1-butanol–water mixtures through a poly[1-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propyne] (PTMSP) membrane was studied to observe and elucidate the diffusion phenomena in this high-performing organophilic glassy polymer. Pervaporation was studied in a continuous sequence of experiments under conditions appropriate for the separation of bio-butanol from fermentation broths: feed concentrations of 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 w/w % of 1-butanol in nutrient-containing (yeast extract) water, temperatures of 37, 50 and 63 °C, and a time period of 80 days. In addition, concentration polarization was assessed. As expected, the total flux and individual component permeabilities declined discernibly over the study period, while the separation factor (average β = 82) and selectivity towards 1-butanol (average α = 2.6) remained practically independent of the process conditions tested. Based on measurements of pervaporation transients, for which a new apparatus and model were developed, we found that the diffusivity of 1-butanol in PTMSP decreased over time due to aging and was comparable to that observed using microgravimetry in pure vapor in 1-butanol. Hence, despite the gradual loss of free volume of the aging polymer, the PTMSP membrane showed high and practically independent selectivity towards 1-butanol. Additionally, a new technique for the measurement and evaluation of pervaporation transients using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis of permeate was proposed and validated.


Bacterial extracellular vesicles and their functions in plants

Martin Janda

 ◳ Martin Janda (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)Vesiculation is a process of Gram-negative bacteria to release extracellular vesicles (EVs) into the environment. Bacterial EVs contain molecular cargo from the donor bacterium and play important roles in bacterial virulence and survival. In my project we were focused on the EV production by plant‑pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pto DC3000), the causal agent of bacterial speck disease. we demonstrated that Pto DC3000 produce EVs in planta. We characterized Pto DC3000 EV proteome. The potential contribution to Pto DC3000 plant infection of EV proteins was assessed using other in planta *omics data sets and plant treatments. These results point at roles for EVs in bacterial defenses and nutrient acquisition of Pto DC3000.



Theoretical modelling of X-ray processes: Probe of aqueous structure

 ◳ muchova (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)Eva Muchová

In X-ray photochemistry we focus on modelling processes that are induced by high energy radiation. This field has witnessed unprecedented importance because of novel experiments at synchrotrons of free electron lasers facilities. The possible applications range from radiation therapy to control of chemical reactivity.

Due to its novelty, theoretical modelling lags behind experiments. We assemble and modify theoretical tools to help us understand processes in which molecules in solutions deactivates after being irradiated by X-rays. We investigate if these relaxation processes can be a basis of novel Auger-type X-ray spectroscopies which would allow us to study the “chemical environment” in solutions.




Minulé ročníky

Z minulých ročníků jsou dostupné záznamy vystoupení.

[submenuno] => [urlnadstranka] => [newurl_domain] => '' [newurl_jazyk] => 'cs' [newurl_akce] => '/veda-a-vyzkum/akce/science-rendezvous-cs' [newurl_iduzel] => [newurl_path] => 1/4111/942/994/1014/6555/42198 [newurl_path_link] => Odkaz na newurlCMS [iduzel] => 42198 [platne_od] => 18.07.2022 17:29:00 [zmeneno_cas] => 18.07.2022 17:38:13.082125 [zmeneno_uzivatel_jmeno] => Jan Kříž [canonical_url] => [idvazba] => 78080 [cms_time] => 1716126970 [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [slovnik] => Array ( ) [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [46137] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Science Rendezvous 2018 [seo_title] => Science Rendezvous 2018 [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

První ročník přehlídky vědeckých týmů působících na VŠCHT Praha se uskutečnil 14. února 2018. Přinášíme Vám záznam představení jednotlivých vystoupení.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => 0001~~C07OTM1LTlUISs1LSa0qyy8tBgA.png [obsah] =>

Představovaná vědecká témata

Resource recovery from wastewater through innovative technologies

doc. Bartáček

Chasing the retrovirus

doc. Ulbrich

Photoredox catalysis with organic dyes and visible light – way towards new chemical reactions

prof. Cibulka

Role of secondary plant metabolites in the ecology of soil microorganisms

doc. Uhlík

Radical improvements in preparation of novel targeted gas separation membranes

doc. Friess

Research on post combustion carbon dioxide capture

dr. Staf

Methanation of carbon dioxide as a technology for the production of synthetic natural gas

dr. Hlinčík

Chemistry and catalysis in two dimensions

doc. Sofer

Open challenges: energy storage, nano-cellular foams, colloidal dispersions

prof. Kosek

Current research trends in metallic materials at UCT

doc. Novák

Supramolecular chemistry of calixarenes and related compounds

prof. Lhoták

Reduction of the process contaminants 3(2)-MCPD and their esters content in refined palm oil

dr. Hrbek


Záznamy vystoupení

Resource recovery from wastewater through innovative technologies

doc. Bartáček

Wastewater has been increasingly seen as a source of materials and energy rather than waste that must be disposed of. Our group consistently contributes to this much needed paradigm shift by developing innovative and sustainable resource recovery technologies. The core process studied in the group is anaerobic digestion of wastewater and sludge, i.e. recovery of chemical energy from wastewater in the form of biogas. We focus on process optimization, biogas upgrading and the post-treatment of liquid anaerobic effluent. We work on nitrogen recovery through N2O production or the production of methanol from dissolved methane. Last, but not least, we study recovery and re-use of water in the systems for decentralized wastewater management. We cover both basic and applied research, the former being represented by detailed microbiological and physiological studies and the latter by bioreactor experiments in lab-, pilot- and full-scale.



Chasing the retrovirus

doc. Ulbrich

Viruses are relatively simple infectious pathogenic particles consisting of protein shell and viral genome, either DNA or RNA. Since they cause many severe, very often life-threatening diseases, their inhibition is very important scientific target and detailed understanding of virus life cycle steps is necessary for the designing of new antivirals. Because viruses are able to multiply only in the host cell, it is important to understand not only the virus composition, but also the whole machinery that they use for their replication. Our research focuses on the study of selected life cycle steps of retroviruses.



Photoredox catalysis with organic dyes and visible light – way towards new chemical reactions

prof. Cibulka

Photoexcitation allows chemical transformations that are not accessible by conventional methods. Use of visible light combined with a photocatalyst even improves classical photochemical methodologies with UV light avoiding side reactions and making photochemistry available for most laboratories. Nowadays, photoredox catalysis with organic molecules is of growing interest because of low costs of organic dyes.  Boundaries of organic photoredox catalysis will be demonstrated on examples of application of flavin derivatives, known as prominent natural chromophores (e.g. riboflavin - vitamin B2 of flavin adenine dinucleotide - FAD).



Role of secondary plant metabolites in the ecology of soil microorganisms

doc. Uhlík

Soil microorganisms are the decomposers of photosynthetically-derived organic compounds. Among the plant-derived organic matter, secondary plant metabolites – a wide array of compounds, including terpenes and phenolics – are predicted to be of outstanding importance in controlling soil ecology. The goal of our work is to elucidate the role of secondary plant metabolites in the ecology of soil microorganisms, including whether and how secondary plant metabolites control soil microbial community structure and increase the contaminant biodegradation potential in the microbial community.


Radical improvements in preparation of novel targeted gas separation membranes

doc. Friess

The tremendous potential of the membrane separation processes (MSP) has been recognized during past decades. Compared to traditional separation processes (e.g. cryogenic distillation, scrubbing or pressure swing adsorption), MSP represent modern separation technique with low energy and space demands. Currently, new membranes based on hyperbranched polyimides, polymers with intrinsic microporosity or graphene-oxide are representative novel materials for targeted gas separation of hydrogen, methane or nitrogen from CO2. Contrarily, hyper CO2-selective polymeric membranes are mostly based on polyethylene oxide-based membranes or ionic liquid-based membranes with enhanced preferential CO2 sorption thus enhancing CO2 permeability compared to the other gases.



Research on post combustion carbon dioxide capture

dr. Staf

Besides intensive discussion about causes of global climate changes and their impacts there is in fact public consensus that new methods leading to elimination of CO2 emissions should be developed. The hereby presented research deals with sorption of this greenhouse gas from flue gases via physical adsorption or chemisorption. The aim of our activities is to provide effective and economically acceptable material, allowing implementation of the carbon capture technology during retrofitting the existing power and heating plants. For this purpose, various sorbents have been tested, namely natural limestones, hydrotalcite-like compounds and activated fly ashes.



Methanation of carbon dioxide as a technology for the production of synthetic natural gas

dr. Hlinčík

Renewable energy sources (wind and solar power plants) are strongly dependent on actual weather conditions which causes difficulties with the steering of the electricity distribution grid. The concept of Power to Gas (PtG) technologies is interconnecting processes of the electricity production with the gas storage and distribution by converting the excess electricity into chemical energy - methane. Project is focusing on study of the catalytic methanation of carbon dioxide as a part of PtG technologies. Electricity conversion consists of two stages where during the first step, hydrogen is produced by water electrolysis and during the second step, hydrogen and carbon dioxide form methane in the catalytic reactor.



Chemistry and catalysis in two dimensions

doc. Sofer

Enormous rise of interest in 2D materials has started by the isolation of graphene in 2004 – a single layer of carbon atoms. Fascinating properties of graphene rapidly stimulated the research of the other 2D materials. The spectrum of 2D materials is growing rapidly and covers many materials, which are generally based on strong in-plane covalent bonds and weak interlayer interactions. Besides semiconducting graphene, there are also insulating 2D materials like hexagonal boron nitride, semiconductors like chalcogenides of indium and gallium and also unique catalytic materials like layered carbides and transition metal dichalcogenides, which can be used as a cheaper alternative to precious metal catalysts.


Open challenges: energy storage, nano-cellular foams, colloidal dispersions

prof. Kosek

Three open challenges for our research laboratories will be briefly introduced: (i) enery storage employing the concept of flow batteries and organic redox pairs, (ii) micro- and nano-cellular polymeric foams including systematic understanding of their morphology evolution, and (iii) modeling of coagulation, fouling and rheology of colloidal dispersions in the context of multi-scale modeling and Industry 4.0 activities.



Current research trends in metallic materials at UCT

doc. Novák

Metallic materials are still among the most important technical materials due to their irreplaceable properties. Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering deals with metals in all aspects covering their production, processing, determination of their properties, corrosion testing and recycling. The presentation covers hot topics, currently being investigated in these fields. Extraction of metals from non-conventional raw materials, preparation of nanostructured metals by modern powder metallurgy techniques, development of new metallic biomaterials and solution of current corrosion problems in technical practice are briefly presented.



Supramolecular chemistry of calixarenes and related compounds

prof. Lhoták

Calixarenes/thiacalixarenes represent a family of macrocyclic compounds with many unique properties including their ability to recognise and complex various ions and/or molecules. The precisely defined size and shape of their cavities together with well-established chemistry make these compounds a good choice for the role of building blocks and molecular scaffolds in the design of more elaborated supramolecular systems. The tuneable 3D shapes of the molecules, together with the opportunity to introduce selected functional groups into exactly defined mutual positions, allow for their application as highly selective ligands and receptors for many chemical species.



Reduction of the process contaminants 3(2)-MCPD and their esters content in refined palm oil        

dr. Hrbek

3-chloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) and some other chloropropanols represent an important group of food processing contaminants. The first report on 3-MCPD occurrence in acid-hydrolysed vegetable proteins and soy sauces was documented by professor Velisek (1978) from UCT Prague. Relatively high amounts of these “emerging” processing contaminants were found especially in refined palm oil. 3‑MCPD is considered as a probable carcinogen. 3-MCPD is formed from chlorine-containing compounds. The aim of this research is to find, characterize and eliminate these chlorinated precursors to prevent the formation of MCPD during palm oil refining.


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Druhý ročník přehlídky vědeckých týmů působících na VŠCHT Praha se uskuteční ve čtvrtek 14. února 2019 od 13 hodin v posluchárně BI. Vstup na akci je zdarma a bez registrace.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => 0002~~K0rNS0mtKssvLVbQVShPTQKSxSVFhxfmZScCmUYGhpYA.png [obsah] =>

Představovaná vědecká témata

Applied statistics in computational spectroscopy Ing. Štěpán Sršeň
BioMates: from biomass to biofuel Ing. Miloš Auersvald
Chemical robots for targeted drug delivery Ing. Denisa Lizoňová
Chiroptical spectroscopy: insight into molecular structure Ing. František Králík
Electrocoagulation of Microalgae Chlorella  Ing. Simona Lučáková
Enhancing the culturability of soil bacteria Ing. Marco A. López Marín
Excited states of coordination compounds  Ing. Martin Pižl
Magical effect of transition metals in organic synthesis Ing. Peter Polák
Natural gas - green fuel or just another fossil? Ing. Tereza Navrátilová
Targeting phorbol derivatives toward cancers Ing. Tomáš Zimmermann
Tertiary phosphorus precipitation in wastewater treatment Ing. Lenka Miklíková


Anotace vystoupení

Applied statistics in computational spectroscopy

Ing. Štěpán Sršeň

I will discuss possible applications of machine learning approaches in chemistry, with emphasis on spectroscopic data modelling. One of the directions in our research is quantitative modelling of electronic spectra. Electronic absorption spectra are, for example, important input for rate constants calculations of photochemical reactions. Chemical theory is vital both for interpretation of experimental data and for modelling spectral data for molecules where measurements are difficult. However, it is still not possible to use high-level quantum methods for larger molecules because of their computational demands. We overcome these limitations by using applied statistics such as machine learning.

BioMates: from biomass to biofuel

Ing. Miloš Auersvald

To meet the expected requirements of the proposed EU Renewable Energy Directive for the next decade (RED II), it is necessary to increase the availability of second-generation biofuels. One promising way of doing this involves using mobile ablative fast pyrolysis to transform straw into bio-oil. To obtain suitable feedstock for co-processing in a typical refinery, bio-oil properties need to be upgraded. The main task of our department in BioMates project is the catalyst optimization and subsequent testing of their activity for bio-oil hydrotreatment. We also work on the improvement of analytical methods for detailed characterisation of bio-oil and the products after its upgrading.

Chemical robots for targeted drug delivery

Ing. Denisa Lizoňová

A specific delivery of a drug to the target area leads to an improved effect while minimizing undesired effects to the body. Non-targeted liposomes are nowadays commercially available for the cancer treatment. The effectivity of such system can be significantly increased by adding a targeting moiety, e.g. antibody. The feasibilities of the antibody coupling and other surface modifications of the liposomes in order to increase their accumulation in the tumor will be briefly explained and discussed.

Chiroptical spectroscopy: insight into molecular structure

Ing. František Králík

Chiroptical spectroscopy represents a modern tool for a detailed analysis of chiral molecules in a solution. It has a promising potential in the field of forensic and pharmaceutical analysis as the absolute configuration as well as the 3D structure play a key role in understanding biological activity and mechanism of action of drugs and pharmaceuticals. The Laboratory of Chiroptical Spectroscopy at UCT Prague has employed three most important chiroptical methods: electronic and vibrational circular dichroism and Raman optical activity. Their application in the analysis of chiral drugs and pharmaceuticals will be presented.

Electrocoagulation of Microalgae Chlorella

Ing. Simona Lučáková

This study was focused on harvesting of Chlorella vulgaris, well-known microalga with use in nutrition and health care. Harvesting (separation of cells from a culture medium) is an important part of the production process. It was estimated that 30 % of the production costs is the cost of biomass separation. One of the possible ways of decreasing harvesting costs is pre‑concentration of microalgae suspension by electrocoagulation followed by one of common separation methods (e.g. sedimentation or flotation). The principle of this method is forming well-sedimenting aggregates called flocks, which are easy to separate from the cultivation medium.

Enhancing the culturability of soil bacteria

Ing. Marco A. López Marín

According to estimations, only around 1% of the microorganisms of Earth are culturable. Several strategies have been employed to improve cultivation, among which are the use of growth-promoting factors. Micrococcus luteus secretes a growth-promoting factor called Resuscitation Promoting Factor (Rpf), which helps resuscitate cells from dormancy. A method for extracting and culturing soil bacteria using Rpf from M. luteus supernatant (SRpf) is proposed, aiming to increase bacterial diversity observed on solid media. The goal of this approach is to allow more members of the soil community to be cultured, among them possibly as-yet-uncultured bacteria playing important degradative roles in the environment.

Excited states of coordination compounds

Ing. Martin Pižl

Excited states (ES) of diverse compounds are studied for their photophysical characterization and application in catalysis, solar cells, electron pathways in proteins and activation of small molecules (CO­2). Transition metal complexes are widely used for these studies in electronically ES. Description of electronic states of molecules is achieved by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy. However, vibrational ES is significant tool to study anharmonic and solvent effects. Vibrational energy relaxation in ground and electronically excited states is studied by 2-dimensional infrared spectroscopy and transient 2-dimensional infrared spectroscopy, respectively. ES characterization will be demonstrated on examples of Re, Ru and Ir complexes and modified azurin.

Magical effect of transition metals in organic synthesis

Ing. Peter Polák

Synthetic organic chemistry has been revolutionized by the invention of transition metal-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions where two organic fragments are joined together with the aid of a metal catalyst. One of the fragments must contain a leaving group, usually a halogen atom but other types of leaving groups are known e.g. sulfonates, carbamates, esters, ethers or hydrogen atom. Research interest in our laboratory is focused on cross-coupling reactions where phosphate group serves as a leaving group.  We have successfully applied cross-coupling reactions of phosphates for the synthesis of biologically active tetrasubstituted alkenes and polysubstituted indoles, polythiophenes for organic semiconductors and synthesis of valuable [n]dendalenes.

Natural gas - green fuel or just another fossil?

Ing. Tereza Navrátilová

Natural gas is a fossil fuel but apart from any other fossil resources it does not produce ash or any other solid particles during combustion and has the lowest level of carbon dioxide on one unit of released energy. It is commonly used for heating households, powerhouses and public transport. Our research pursues the use of compressed natural gas in public transport but mainly focuses on the issues of its storage  in containers filled with solid adsorbents.

Targeting phorbol derivatives toward cancers

Ing. Tomáš Zimmermann

Phorbol esters are natural products with biological activity such as proinflammatory, proapoptotic, tumor promoting and causing increase in cytosolic Ca2+. Phorbol esters activity takes place via activation of protein kinase C (PKC).
PKC plays significant role in several important cell signal transduction pathways. The biological effect seems to be strongly affected by which PKC isozyme is activated.
We developed phorbol ester prodrugs so that we can maximize the proapoptotic effect and minimize side effects. We used peptides that are specifically cleaved in cancer tissue which were previously utilized with success after being coupled to natural cytotoxin thapsigargin.

Tertiary phosphorus precipitation in wastewater treatment

Ing. Lenka Miklíková

Our Scientific Work Group is engaged in research of removal residual phosphorus from the effluent of urban wastewater treatment plants. Phosphorus, as the one of the nutrients, triggers vigorous growth of cyanobacteriae, reduces dissolved oxygen content, suffocates fish populations, and complicates water purification. Therefore, the attention should be drawn to this problem and pay much attention to develop new or improve the available wastewater treatment methods to remove this pollutant from a waste water and to work towards improved ecology of the water environment to the greatest extent. The aim of our work is to assess and design a new environmental technology for an urban wastewater treatment plants that would help to reduce the phosphorus in environment. The technology consists of tertiary phosphorus precipitation and separation of precipitate with membrane filtration.


Minulé ročníky

Science Rendezvous 2018

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