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12/Nov/2024 - 12/Nov/20249:00 - 17:00ConsultationCareer coaching, career consultationCounselling and Career Centre - ZB1-414b More →
12/Nov/2024 - 12/Nov/202414:00 - 15:00WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technik  UhelnaMore →
12/Nov/2024 - 12/Nov/202416:00 - 17:30Workshop Řízení osobních financíUhelnaMore →
12/Nov/2024 - 12/Nov/202417:00 - 18:30LectureHow sustainable are electric vehicles: BASF Battery MaterialsLecture room BIIIMore →
12/Nov/2024 - 12/Nov/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BIIMore →
13/Nov/2024 - 13/Nov/202410:00 - 11:30WorkshopCitování v závěrečných pracíchMore →
14/Nov/2024 - 14/Nov/202413:30 - 15:00WorkshopJak „prodat“ svou SVKUhelnaMore →
14/Nov/2024 - 14/Nov/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelnaMore →
15/Nov/2024 - 15/Nov/20249:30 - 15:30SeminarQuantum Computing Workshop and Seminar ÚOCHBMore →
15/Nov/2024 - 15/Nov/202413:15 - 15:30WorkshopEssential IT Tools workshop for International students at UCT Prague!B1-346More →
18/Nov/2024 - 18/Nov/202414:00 - 16:00WorkshopEmoční resilience: Všímavost a emoceUhelnaMore →
18/Nov/2024 - 18/Nov/202415:00 - 19:00WorkshopDesková hra Finanční svobodaHistorická knihovnaMore →
18/Nov/2024 - 18/Nov/202416:00 - 18:00Student's Eventszkus.toUhelnaMore →
18/Nov/2024 - 18/Nov/202419:00 - 20:30Student's Events3rd round of Prague University Volleyball LeagueZŠ U Krčského lesaMore →
19/Nov/2024 - 19/Nov/202414:00 - 18:00Academic CommunityZasedání Akademického senátu VŠCHTzasedací místnost rektoraMore →
19/Nov/2024 - 19/Nov/202416:00 - 18:00WorkshopSurvival kit: Jak přežít zkouškové?AIIMore →
19/Nov/2024 - 19/Nov/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BIIMore →
19/Nov/2024 - 19/Nov/202421:15 - 21:15Student's EventsMatch of the Faculty Hockey League: SK Chemie vs. HC TrimedSPM ArenaMore →
20/Nov/2024 - 20/Nov/202415:00 - 16:00Academic CommunityZasedání AS FTOPB116More →
21/Nov/2024 - 21/Nov/20249:00 - 17:00ConsultationCareer coaching, career consultationCounselling and Career Centre - ZB1-414b More →
21/Nov/2024 - 21/Nov/202414:00 - 15:00WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technik  UhelnaMore →
21/Nov/2024 - 21/Nov/202415:30 - 16:30Organisation of the Academic YearErasmus letní semestr - předodjezová informační schůzkaUhelnaMore →
21/Nov/2024 - 21/Nov/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelnaMore →
21/Nov/2024 - 21/Nov/202418:00 - 20:00Student's Events3rd round of Men University basketball league UCT Prague vs. University of South BohemiaKrálovka arena, Nad Královskou oborou 1080/51, Prague 7 BubenečMore →
25/Nov/2024 - 25/Nov/202414:00 - 16:00WorkshopEmoční resilience: Komunikace v emocíchUhelnaMore →
25/Nov/2024 - 25/Nov/202416:00 - 18:00Student's EventsCV & cover letterUhelnaMore →
25/Nov/2024 - 25/Nov/202420:30 - 22:00Student's Events5th round of Men´s Faculty floorball league SK Chemie vs. VŠE NárodohospodářskáUnihoc Arena Kotlářka, Znegrova 1741More →
26/Nov/2024 - 26/Nov/20249:00 - 11:00Academic CommunityProjekty vědy a výzkumu v prostředí dotačních titulůMístnost č. B2319More →
26/Nov/2024 - 26/Nov/202411:00 - 13:00EducationWebinář pro žadatele o stipendium BarrandeMore →
26/Nov/2024 - 26/Nov/202414:00 - 15:00WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technikUhelnaMore →
26/Nov/2024 - 26/Nov/202417:00 - 20:00PopularizationDigitální revoluce ve vodohospodářství: Jak AI a digitální dvojčata pomáhají při dodávce a čištění vBIIMore →
26/Nov/2024 - 26/Nov/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BIIMore →
27/Nov/2024 - 27/Nov/202410:00 - 11:00Academic CommunityInvited lecture "Something has to give - Computation with biological agents“UhelnaMore →
27/Nov/2024 - 27/Nov/202413:00 - 17:00SeminarSeminar for PhDs: Master Your First Project Proposal (IGA)B2319More →
27/Nov/2024 - 27/Nov/202416:00 - 17:30Student's Events4th round of Prague University Volleyball LeagueSCUKMore →
27/Nov/2024 - 27/Nov/202417:00 - 22:00InvitationPOTLACHUhelnaMore →
28/Nov/2024 - 28/Nov/2024Student's Events2nd round of the Women's University Volleyball LeaguePod Juliskou 1805/4, 160 00 Praha 6More →
28/Nov/2024 - 28/Nov/2024Organisation of the Academic YearStudents' Scientific ConferenceMore →
28/Nov/2024 - 28/Nov/20248:00 - 11:30CourseCommunication in challenging situationsauditorium B35More →
28/Nov/2024 - 28/Nov/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelnaMore →
29/Nov/2024 - 29/Nov/2024InvitationOpen Days at UCT Prague – School of Business (classes cancelled)Jankovcova 23, Praha 7 Holešovice More →
29/Nov/2024 - 29/Nov/2024Organisation of the Academic YearOpen Days at UCT Prague (classes cancelled)Campus DejviceMore →
30/Nov/2024 - 30/Nov/2024InvitationOpen Days at UCT PragueCampus DejviceMore →
2/Dec/2024 - 2/Dec/202414:00 - 16:00WorkshopEmoční resilience: Zdravé hraniceUhelnaMore →
3/Dec/2024 - 3/Dec/202412:00 - 15:30CourseCommunication in challenging situationsMístnost č. B2319More →
3/Dec/2024 - 3/Dec/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BIIMore →
3/Dec/2024 - 3/Dec/202417:00 - 19:00Student's EventsSoonToBeBc vol.1More →
3/Dec/2024 - 3/Dec/202418:00 - 19:30Student's Events5th round of Prague University Volleyball LeagueSCUKMore →
3/Dec/2024 - 3/Dec/202419:30 - 21:00Student's EventsMatch of the Faculty Hockey League: SK Chemie vs. BachelorsSPM ArenaMore →
3/Dec/2024 - 3/Dec/202420:45 - 22:15Student's EventsMatch of the Faculty Hockey League: SK Chemie vs. HC PrirodovedaSPM ArenaMore →
4/Dec/2024 - 4/Dec/20248:00 - 15:00WorkshopPedagogický kurz pro začínající učiteleUhelnaMore →
4/Dec/2024 - 4/Dec/20249:00 - 17:00ConsultationCareer coaching, career consultationHolešovice 1K3More →
4/Dec/2024 - 4/Dec/20249:00 - 11:00Academic CommunityBreakfast with the vice-dean for R&D with PhD candidates of FCE to the funding from the AY 2025/26B2319More →
4/Dec/2024 - 4/Dec/202414:00 - 17:30CourseCommunication in challenging situationsZasedací místnost č. A181 - rektorátMore →
4/Dec/2024 - 4/Dec/202418:00 - 19:00Student's EventsPre-exam presentationBIMore →
5/Dec/2024 - 5/Dec/20249:00 - 17:00ConsultationCareer coaching, career consultationCounselling and Career Centre - ZB1-414b More →
5/Dec/2024 - 5/Dec/202414:00 - 15:00WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technikUhelnaMore →
5/Dec/2024 - 5/Dec/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelnaMore →
9/Dec/2024 - 9/Dec/202420:30 - 22:00Student's Events6th round of Men´s Faculty floorball league SK Chemie vs. ČVUT FJFIUnihoc Arena Kotlářka, Zengrova 1741More →
10/Dec/2024 - 10/Dec/20249:15 - 10:15Student's EventsEleventh round of Women´s University floorball league SK VŠCHT Praha vs. ČZUSH Jedenáctka, Mírového hnutí 3, Praha 4 - ChodovMore →
10/Dec/2024 - 10/Dec/202413:15 - 14:15Student's EventsTwelfth round of Women´s University floorball league UK vs. SK VŠCHT PrahaSH Jedenáctka, Mírového hnutí 3, Praha 4 - ChodovMore →
10/Dec/2024 - 10/Dec/202417:00 - 20:00PopularizationJe vše „přírodní“ doopravdy zdravé?BIIMore →
10/Dec/2024 - 10/Dec/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BIIMore →
10/Dec/2024 - 10/Dec/202417:00 - 18:30WorkshopTime & study management: Zkouškové - plánování, tipy a trikyB32More →
11/Dec/2024 - 11/Dec/202413:30 - 14:30WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technikUhelnaMore →
12/Dec/2024 - 12/Dec/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelnaMore →
13/Dec/2024 - 13/Dec/20249:00 - 10:30Student's Events7th round of men´s University floorball league SK Chemie vs. UK HKSH Jedenáctka, Mírového hnutí 3, Praha-ChodovMore →
13/Dec/2024 - 13/Dec/202413:00 - 14:30Student's Events8th round of men´s University floorball league SK Chemie vs. UPCESH Jedenáctka, Mírového hnutí 3, Praha-ChodovMore →
16/Dec/2024 - 16/Dec/202414:00 - 16:00WorkshopEmoční resilience: Emoce v krizové situaciUhelnaMore →
16/Dec/2024 - 16/Dec/202419:00 - 21:00Sport and CultureAdvent concertBethlehem ChapelMore →
17/Dec/2024 - 17/Dec/20249:00 - 17:00ConsultationCareer coaching, career consultationCounselling and Career Centre - ZB1-414b More →
17/Dec/2024 - 17/Dec/202410:00 - 12:00Student's EventsChristmas Skating with SK ChemieWinter stadium HvězdaMore →
17/Dec/2024 - 17/Dec/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BIIMore →
17/Dec/2024 - 17/Dec/202419:30 - 21:00Student's EventsMatch of the Faculty Hockey League: SK Chemie vs. TITANS PragueSPM ArenaMore →
18/Dec/2024 - 18/Dec/202413:30 - 14:30WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technikUhelnaMore →
18/Dec/2024 - 18/Dec/202417:00 - 22:00InvitationPOTLACHUhelnaMore →
18/Dec/2024 - 19/Dec/202421:00 - 4:00Student's EventsChristmas chemical party 2024El MágicoMore →
19/Dec/2024 - 19/Dec/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelnaMore →
20/Dec/2024 - 20/Dec/2024Organisation of the Academic YearLast day of classes in winter semesterMore →
24/Dec/2024 - 24/Dec/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BIIMore →
26/Dec/2024 - 26/Dec/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelnaMore →
31/Dec/2024 - 31/Dec/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BIIMore →
2/Jan/2025 - 2/Jan/2025Organisation of the Academic YearStart of winter assessment periodMore →
2/Jan/2025 - 2/Jan/202517:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelnaMore →
7/Jan/2025 - 7/Jan/202517:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BIIMore →
9/Jan/2025 - 9/Jan/202517:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelnaMore →
14/Jan/2025 - 14/Jan/202517:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BIIMore →
15/Jan/2025 - 15/Jan/202515:00 - 18:00SeminarKurz Leadership: Úspěšným lídrem krok za krokemB2319More →
16/Jan/2025 - 16/Jan/202517:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelnaMore →
21/Jan/2025 - 21/Jan/202517:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BIIMore →
22/Jan/2025 - 22/Jan/20251:00 - 23:50CareerAzrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship 2025-26More →
23/Jan/2025 - 23/Jan/202517:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelnaMore →
24/Jan/2025 - 24/Jan/2025InvitationOpen Days at UCT PragueCampus DejviceMore →
25/Jan/2025 - 25/Jan/2025InvitationOpen Days at UCT PragueCampus DejviceMore →
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