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The extraordinary scholarship of Professor Miroslav Vlček

The extraordinary scholarship of Professor Miroslav Vlček is a form of honouring the memory of the former Vice-rector for international relations od CTU in Prague. From 2015 to 2019, he was the behind the idea and coordinator of the Study in Prague project, which united seven Prague public universities and attracted hundreds of foreign students to study in Prague.

Scholarships in the amount of CZK 30,000 are awarded by the Study in Prague consortium, which unites 7 Prague universities (AMU, CTU, CZU, UK, UCT, VŠE and VŠUP), to foreign students who represented their schools in an exceptional way and contributed to the positive promotion of studies in foreign language at the mentioned schools and generally to promote studies in Prague and the Czech Republic.

Each university awards one scholarship in a year.

Sergej Mrkobrada and rector of UCT Prague Pavel Matejka2022

Sergej Mrkobrada

The scholarship by UCT Prague was awarded to a student from the Faculty of Chemical Technology Sergej Mrkobrada. Mr. Mrkobrada's contribution to the internationalization of University of Chemistry and Technology primarily lies in his extraordinary involvement in research already during his master's studies.

Sergej Mrkobrada's research activity focuses on the development of new procedures for the preparation of functionalized compounds by the principles of green chemistry. The primary focus of his scientific interest is the preparation of natural compounds containing substituted aromatic hydrocarbons. In the long term, the observed reactivity will enable the transformation of natural compounds with high chemoselectivity for target-oriented organic synthesis.



 ◳ Ashley-George (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)Ashley George

As a student ambassador, Ashley has been a long-term partner of the International Department. She is not only a reference point for prospective students, but also helps with the organization of promotional events, and participates in the integration process of incoming international students. Ashley was born in India and study Chemical Engineering

Updated: 9.12.2022 19:58, Author: Jan Kříž


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