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UCT Prague broadens its global horizons with an international advisory board

In September 2022, the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, established a new strategic body, the International Advisory Board (IAB). The nine-member group is composed of researchers from around the world and also corporate sector representatives from Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria, and Hungary. The IAB’s main task will be to deepen the UCT Prague’s global ties and increase its attractiveness for employees and students from abroad.

 “Since the beginning of my term in office, I planned to create an IAB,” says Pavel Matějka, UCT Prague Rector. “As part of the 17+ Methodology evaluation, we assembled an international evaluation panel. Satisfied with its work, we approached members of the panel and the majority of them joined the new advisory body. The important thing is that those people already know a lot about UCT Prague and understand the key topics that we are currently dealing with,” he adds.

The board currently has nine members, including people from out-of-university settings. For example, Dr. Feise works at BASF. He was the long-time Chair of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers and represents the corporate/industrial sector perspective. “Doctoral education is also extremely important for UCT Prague, so the Director of the University of Tampere’s Doctoral School, Pirjo Nikander, who has strong ties to the European University Association and its committee for doctoral education, is also a board member," explains Rector Matějka.

All IAB members work in top institutions and are not part of UCT Prague’s academic community . Members are appointed and dismissed by the Rector and have a four-year term of office. Board members can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms of office.

The first IAB meeting will take place on 22 September 2022 as part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of UCT Prague’s independent existence.

UCT Prague International Advisory Board members

Prof. Dr. Livia Simon-Sarkadi, DSc.
Dr. Hermann J. Feise
Prof. Marcello Cabibbo
Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Erich Leitner
Prof. Jarka Glassey
Prof. Francois Lapicque
Priv.-Doz. Dipl-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Guenter Langergraber
Dr. Pirjo Nikander
Dr. Jean-Olivier Durand

Updated: 3.10.2022 10:09, Author: Michal Janovský


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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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