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Positive social environment at UCT Prague

The University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, is dedicated, over the long-term, to fostering a cultural, fair, and friendly social environment. UCT Prague rejects all forms of behaviour that violate human dignity, including discrimination, aggression, bullying, intimidation, sexual violence, or other forms of oppression.

UCT Prague fully supports positive relationships in the university environment, including respect for others and a collegial, open, and balanced ways of acting and communicating. UCT Prague’s academic community and its employees respect and adhere to the Code of Ethics.

We thank all of you for helping us to foster and ensure a positive, safe social environment on campus.


Has something happened that you would like to discuss?

UCT Prague is now offering a consultation and notification service for discussing incidents you perceive as running against UCT Prague ethical principles. Such incidents include, for example, misunderstandings between superiors and subordinates, co-workers, academic, and non-academic employees, employees and/or students at any level of study; interpersonal conflicts; ambiguities in faculty policies and/or procedures; humiliating behaviour; unfair treatment; bullying; sexualized behaviour (and so on) in educational, creative, and other university-related activities.

UCT Prague’s Rector has announced a contact person for social environment-related issues, ThDr Klára Muzikářová PhD.

The UCT Prague contact person will be with you all the way. UCT Prague prefers solving incidents/issues in an informal way, by explaining what happened, finding an amicable way forward with involved parties, and preventing such events in the future. If informal resolution processes fail, we will help you file a complaint with UCT Prague’s Ethics Committee or Disciplinary Panel or to choose another appropriate procedure.

 A conversation with the UCT Prague contact person is not an official notification about a problem, concern, or complaint. If we come to the conclusion that a formal resolution process is unavoidable, we will go through the options together. We will ensure confidentiality of the information communicated, protect participants involved in any incident, and search for the most suitable resolution to any issue.

  • You can use the secure SafeTalk application (anonymously, if you wish). Your message will reach the UCT Prague contact person. After reporting an issue in SafeTalk, we may (or may not) arrange a personal meeting.


Start a conversation in SafeTalk


Continue a SafeTalk conversation

(using Report ID from your first conversation in SafeTalk)


Whether you use SafeTalk or wish to have an in person discussion, we would ask that you provide as many details as possible, such as a description of an incident, how it happened, names or descriptions of people involved (feel free to use an anonymous descriptions instead of names, e.g. student, female employee, teaching staff), and your perceptions and feelings about the incident as a whole. We would also like to listen to your thoughts regarding how the incident should be resolved, from your point of view.


Contact person - Klára Muzikářová

 ◳ Klára Muzikářová (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)I have been a UCT Prague employee since 2019 and am currently UCT Prague’s Chancellor. I studied Theology and Judaic studies at Charles University and am now finishing a Master’s degree in Social and Charitable work there. I passed the Czech Police Academy’s state exams in criminal and administrative law, and this combination of knowledge allows me to (to put it humbly) have an overview of the events that come our way in life and the consequences they may have. My work at UCT Prague does not involve teaching or research, which allows me to avoid conflict of interest. In addition to my volunteer activities in the social/charitable field, I have been active in the UCT Prague’s COVID response team and the team dealing with issues related to the war in Ukraine. I have helped incoming Ukrainian students, organized an aid transport to Mykolaiv University (Ukraine), and co-organized the Donate Blood, Donate Life event. I look forward to helping you solve any issues you may encounter, within the framework of the above-mentioned agenda.

Updated: 8.1.2024 15:59, Author: Jan Kříž


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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