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UCT Prague: first European laboratory for medical cannabis products

Prague – The Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition at the University of Chemical Technology, Prague, led by Professor Jana Hajslova, became Europe’s first laboratory for medical cannabis products to receive Patient Focused Certification (PFC), a quality standard issued by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) and the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) Cannabis monograph.

The only other five certified laboratories in the world are all located in the USA.

"PFC serves both government authorities and end users. It guarantees that medical cannabis products have the strength, composition, purity, and identity they claim to constitute or possess," said Dr. Jahan Marcu, chief auditor for Americans for Safe Access Foundation (ASAF).

"This is the first laboratory which passed certification with flying colors. Industrial and academic laboratories in the United States could learn from Professor Hajslova," he added at a talk at UCT Prague’s Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition.

ASA works closely with the International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute (ICCI), a center of excellence for cannabis and cannabinoids research initiated to share experiences in clinical and basic research, medical informatics, administration, legislative efforts and studies, product security protocols, and the production and distribution of cannabis products.

Updated: 18.11.2016 09:25, Author:


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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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